Brady Richard Thomas....born, November 22, 2005 at 1:38 am. He weighed 8lb 7oz and measured 22 1/2 inches long!
I have really been wanting to post my birth story and some pics of Brady (as well as Emily and Nick)...but with all three of them and the house, I've been so insanely busy. Everyone is sleeping now, and even though I should try to get some much needed rest..I feel the need to show off! hehehe Anyway, this is my story....
I went to my midwife for a routine scheduled OB appointment on November 17th. When she came in she was ready to schedule my induction. The week before I told her I wasn't ready (we weren't finished moving into our new house yet). So by the 17th I was ready to pop! Marge (my wonderful midwife) left the room for a minute and came back with a date. She looked at David and I, and asked, "How is Monday morning at 9 am?" David and I looked pretty dumbfounded. We couldn't believe that it was finally time. BTW...I was being induced for two reasons (1...David had to put in for leave with the Army so he could be there for the birth & 2...I had Group B Strep and needed lots of medicine before I delivered him). Continuing... Bright and early Monday morning (11/21/05) we headed to the hospital. I was so nervous that I insisted on driving myself to the hospital (it takes my mind off of things). My first nurse was really nice. She gave me my IV and started my antibiotics (for Group B Strep) right away. Next they started my pitocin. I was already 2 1/2 cm dialated, so there was no needed for cervedil (to ripen cervix). Things were moving along pretty slowly. Brady was so high up that Marge thought he might be breech so she grabbed a ultrasound machine and made sure. It was so strange the last month of my pregnancy all my nurses and doctors thought he was breech because he wouldn't come down. He loved being up in my ribs!!! Well, of course he wasn't breech (thank God!) She tried examining me at one point to check my dialation, but the pain was unbearable. She told me that she couldn't get a good check of my cervix because he was so high up and she couldn't reach any higher because of my pain. She suggested that maybe and epidural would help move things along. After all, that was the ONLY thing that got Nick's labor to progress. The pitocin levels kept dwindling off. The nurse had to be right on it or my contractions would start to fade. They finally got it at a level where it wouldn't stop my contractions. Dr. Woo (the magic man) came to visit me with his lovely tray of goodies. I must admit, this was the scariest part for me. I had a horrible experience last time when I got my epidural. The doctor was a complete douche I was really terrified to get a repeat of how bad it hurt. Right away, Dr. Woo calmed me down. He took his time and explained everything to me. David held my shoulders as I bent over to get the Epi. I was shaking so bad from nerves. I was crying so hard that I had snot all over my face and in my mouth (I!) I know that I have NEVER been so scared in my entire life. If it wasn't for the slow labor, I probably would have gone natural out of pure fear of the epidural. This seemed like it took forever, but probably only took about 20 minutes. When he was done, he rubbed my shoulders and told me I did great. I love Dr. Woo. If anyone delivers a baby at Franklin Square....get Dr. Woo. After my epidural, Marge checked my cervix. I was only about 4 cm at that point. They pumped my pitocin up to get things moving and she broke my water. After that, my labor flew. About 1 1/2 hours later I was already at 8 cm. Then another hour and I felt the pressure to push. I called my nurse in. Marge checked and sure enough, I was ready to go. However, there was a problem. Brady was posterior (face up!) Which explains why I had such bad back labor. When I found out he was face up, I prepared myself for a long drawn out pushing phase. Anyone who doesn't know, babies should come out face down. Face up makes for a lot more pain and harder, longer pushing. By this point, my epidural started wearing off. I realized I needed to use something else to get me through. I remembered how I pushed with Emily and watching my vagina (gross..I know) in the mirror really motivated me to get her out. I didn't have a mirror and I was so exhausted I couldn't I watched the reflection in Marge's glasses. My mom said to me at one point, "Do you need a mirror?" I replied (while pushing), "No, I see him in Marge's glasses." It was kinda funny. This was some serious work, but I didn't loose my sense of humor. At one point, I looked over at David and said, "Poppaaa" (from a Will Ferrell skit). He replied, "Mommaaa" It was an inside joke of ours and was enough to get me through. Brady's heart rate was going a little crazy, so they put me on oxygen. I swear, I didn't think he would ever come out. Usually you feel the baby moving down through the birth canal, but it just seemed like he was stuck. I was so exhausted and Marge told me to take a break through the next contraction, but I couldn't. I knew if I laid down at that point, he would have to come out via C-section...that wasn't happening. I pulled my legs back, stuck my chin down and pushed like I have never pushed before. Even after my contraction stopped....I was determined to get him out. I knew I couldn't stop or I wouldn't be able to lift my legs again. Next thing I remember is everyone crying and laughing as Marge laid my slimy, yet precious baby boy on my chest. Brady and I were so tired, we just looked at each other. It was amazing. Marge (in typical midwife fashion) was allowing the cord to pullsate for a few moments before cuting it. Well, my dingbat nurse didn't realize that and went to take him to the warmer. Brady and I were still attached. Thank God it was a long cord! She laid him back down on me and David cut the cord. Then she was able to take him to the warmer to clean and measure him. I couldn't believe it when they announced his weight. What a chunker! My entire labor was only about 16 hours long (not too bad). I wasn't my easiest labor (Nick's was)...but it was definately just and beautiful and rewarding as my first.
Brady is already over a month and a half old! I can't believe how time has passed. Here is a few pics of my little pumpkin.
This was taken today (January 7, 2006)
He's starting to smile! (January 6, 2006)
He enjoys his bath time (January 5, 2006)
There are a few really cute shots of Brady and his new cousin (Marinah 12/28/05) I plan to post them next entry. be continued...