Aug 26, 2005 23:22
It's been quite a while since the last I will try to remember as much as possible.
The kiddos...Emily and Nicholas are doing good. Emily is so grown up now it is crazy. It makes me all teary eyed sometimes. Or that could be my pregnancy hormones. The other day we were in the car and I got every damn red light on rt 40 from Joppa to Rosedale and she said, "Mom, what's up with all these red lights?!?!?!" It was cute. She will be five on October 19th. She is really excited about her birthday party. It's going to be a makeover party. All the little girls are going to get together and my sisters and I are going to do their makeup, nails, and hair. Then they are going to put on a fashion show. We went shopping the other day and she pick out a bunch of makeup and hair accessories. Nicholas is really growing so fast. It's hard to believe that in less than 2 months he will be one! He is standing alone now. It's cute when he crawls to the middle of the room, stands up and just watches TV. He's also walking along furniture, with one hand, might I add ::proud momma:: He claps, dances and waves. Oh yeah, so far I can distinguish some words he is saying....Mommy (more like Ma-ey) and Em (that's what he hears me call Emily all the time).
The Baby in Muh Bellay...My pregnancy is going pretty smooth. Other than the constant soreness and pain. I am 28 weeks now......and HUGE. I'm really getting excited to see my little boy. David and I haven't picked out a name yet!!! With Emily and Nicholas I had a name like a week after the pregnancy test showed positive! LOL!! He wants his name to be David, but over my dead body! I like the name Brady....I don't know. I guess eventually we will have to decide on something. I go Tuesday for my gestational diabetes test. I started my registry at Baby Depot today (although a little late in the game)...I've been busy. Oh yeah, I'm not sure if I posted this before, but two of my sisters are also pregnant. Kimberly is due January 3rd (she is having a girl) and Heather is due March 1st. It's really neat to go through this with them.
My Mom-mobile.....I really really really fucking hate my neighborhood. It is nothing but white trash and hoodlums! The other day I woke up and decided it was a great day to take the kids to the zoo. So, I get lunches pack, diaper bag packed, kids cleaned and dressed...pack everything and everyone up in the van. I go to pull off and I'm wobbly. I get out and check the tires on my passenger side...and whadda ya know. Some stupid mother fuckers stabbed both the tires on the passenger side! I was so furious I couldn't even cry. So, David had to change the one and then I had to go buy another one for him to change the back tire. I found out today that the same bitches did it to my neighbors car. Lucky bastard only got one tire stabbed though. It's like you can't have anything nice in this neighborhood or little punks get jealous. Okay okay...I know what you are thinking.."a mini van...nice?!?!" Well let me tell you's hot..and cool...and hip! ahaha....well, as hot as it's gonna get for me for awhile. It's next to impossible to fit three carseats into a "hot car".
Moving??......There is a house across from my sister in Airville, PA that was abandon for awhile. Well, back in June her neighbors inherited it and started renovating it. David had talked to the guys and found out they were planning on renting it out. The guys told David to "send your wife over in a few months to pick out paint colors" "wife"...that would be me ::heh:: So, I went and talked to the guys a few weekends ago and they showed me the house and OMG, it is going to be wonderful when they are finished. It's a 3br 2 ba. The guy is asking about a grand a month for it, which is nothing for what it is! So, David and I are most likely going to do it. Especially after having the tires slashed the other night. I could get the kids into one of the best school systems I have ever heard of and the house I always wanted. BTW, it would be rent to buy! Which is what we wanted to do anyway. We are going up tomorrow to talk to them about details. They said they would have if finished in about a month and a half, but they are slowwwww. I'm going to see if maybe I give them the money upfront if they would be a little more motivated to get the job done. I want it done before mid October so that I can have the kid's birthday parties there. I'll keep ya updated.
I have extreme indigestion right now. I'm all out of Tums too :o( be continued....