Jul 31, 2004 18:47
I so enjoy doc sommers band concerts. When they play i can just feel the energy in me! It just makes me want to break out of my skin. And the fact that they are so passionate about it is awesome too! It's like i don't admire them because they are boys or because they are in a band but because I know what they believe in. I know how they live their lives and that they are in love with the Lord and it captivates me. And they are just the awesomest souls you know? They all just have a very kind nature about them and they seem very loving and appreciative of their fans...and they are truly just great people and Jesus Christ definitely shines through them.
I suppose now I'll expand on a conversation i had with a friend this week about music. I love dsb because they don't cop out. They claim that they are christian and everyone knows they are christian. That's like 12 stones not wanting to admit they are christian...i mean what? you are going to deny your creator who gave you the musical talent just so you can become successful? and that seems to be why switchfoot is so appealing as well...because they don't cop out they admit they are christians they sing about God and people know they are christians. plus they create some really rock out music. but then we came on the subject of pop christian music. My friend is extremely against it or so it seemed. His argument was that they didn't write the songs and they are singing meaningless things and they are only giving society what they want. My first argument was that i like what i like. i have never let anyone tell me what to like. if i like it i listen to it. Then he says that he's not going to let society tell him what to listen to. And by him not liking something because others like it is allowing them to tell him what to like and not like...who cares if it's cliched or cool or pop if you like a certain song listen to it. I mean i enjoy praise and worship songs. My second argument is that music is reaching someone somewhere. God uses those songs to pull people to Him. Those songs are captivating to someone. My Friend is very mature in his faith and has a wonderful ear for good music but some people are babies in christ and music from the christian radio station help them to continue to grow in their faith. plus how does he know that that person didn't write that song and if they didn't they are still praising and worshiping God through lyrics and the artists are making life easier to live for somebody. I just feel like people need to learn how to love more. Be accepting that God uses things for His Will and for His glory and I believe that God is in many of the artists that are played on the christian radio station. It's like they are being judgmental about music when they expect people to not be judgmental about them. Someone needed to hear a certain song and to be judgmental of that is not very mature in faith. And for a person that doesn't want someone to be judgmental of them but then is judgmental of that person because they think they are being judgmental is just a vicious cycle of hypocrisy yet we are all hypocrites and fall short of the glory of God so really that word hypocrisy or the definition shouldn't be used at all because everyone is a hypocrite. I think christians become very mature sometimes or so it seems and understand what is good and what is bad in the christian scene. Like my church went to a night service where dsb played and a speaker spoke and he was a very ...a very not humble person. He shouldn't have said many things he said and it seemed more like a WWF event than an evangelism attempt. I mean this guy seemed to be all about himself and seemed rude and overbearing when he spoke and he seemed to lose his point a lot. And as a mature christian it becomes clearer which messages or speakers were good and which aren't though i still believe in praying for the speaker and believing that that speaker is speaking to someone. And he is. my mom teaches and some of her students saw the man speak and they thought he was great. So more mature christians need to realize that there are people that are still babies in christ(as we all are) but that that speaker spoke to someone and someone in that audience needed that message and gained something from that event. This world just needs to be more loving and as christians we need to first find love with God so that we may love others. Why not see more good in things especially when a person is trying to fulfill God's Will. I honestly believe that in all the christian speakers i've heard and all the christian singers i've heard that they love the Lord and that they want God to speak through them . We just have to realize that people are at different stages in their lives when we aren't . Perhaps we should become more consumed with others and less consumed of ourselves.
And for the record i don't mean "babies in christ" and "mature christians" that just sounds dumb but i couldn't think of another way to say it but that's not what i meant at all. how about even mature christians even like the christian radio station. this topic is not even about "mature" and "babies" it's that as humans we all have different styles, likes, personalities, interests, and as christians we have to be loving and accepting and tolerant of the different ways people do things because we all love God. We all bring glory to Him in our different ways. Just because you do something one way doesn't mean it's right. God can be praised and worshiped in so many ways. So love people for who they are and their way of praising God whom we all love!