Desiring Relationships

Jun 23, 2004 11:48

I feels so odd just sitting around here when i've been on the go for two weeks now! Man it stinks because you meet people at camp that you want to be able to just call up and be like come hang out!! but they live in another state so they can't. That is the hard thing about relationships sometimes. I desire them with people but they may not hold the same value on relationships so...i don't know one does not form i suppose. I want to relate to people so that I may show them the love of Christ. That's why I want to learn how to play the guitar. I mean music is a Universal langueage. I want to learn how to ride horses, skateboard, play drums, play soccer. If i relate to a person because of something i do and they put more value on my opinion because of it then that is awesome. I guess that's sort of how society works too ay? I also got some more confirmation about my decision to go to AADA at M fuge. steve knox was talking about how so many christians are "entertained" and simply stay in their bubble and in their comfort zone. so i suppose campbellsville is where i would have been "entertained". I know that youth ministers have so impacted my life but i was already coming to church I desire to bring people to the church and love them and build relationships with them by asking and being interested in their lives.
It's so cool!! God just gave me a peace about everything over summersalt. To me friendships and relationships are so important that i'd much rather have those then to screw anything up with the love factor. Plus i feel that God has a plan for people without a spouse or a love relationship getting in the way. Besides since marriage isn't a possibility at age seventeen and i don't think it will be until the age of 25 the whole love thing is sort of ridiculous because it won't last and will only get in the way of a relationship or a friendship. Ahhh it's such a peace to know that if you focus all of yourself on God you will be taken care of. Everything will just fall into place. I'm not saying that if a wonderful person walked in to my life and we dated for like ever and wanted to get married sooner than 25 i wouldn't do it because i would but i no longer seek my worth through a guy. or go places to seek a guy. I just feel an awesome peace about a lot of things and a lot of relationships and i value friendships so much.
M fuge and summersalt rocked my face off!! I miss everyone my ministry group was like the awesomest!! And my wonderful roomie Caroline! Oh man we had the most fun! I swear every situation we got ourselves in to seemed to be derived from the coconut it was great fun!! night Caroline was getting ready for bed and it was like 12:30 at night and she realized the blinds were open and people were walking around outside. So she rushes over to the window and starts jerking the blinds closed so i go over to assist saying "careful, Careful" and i go and with one last jerk we break one ened of the blinds out of the celing. So we are laughing hysterically because in the bck of our minds we know we are in Trroouble! so i think to myself wait! i have a solution!! So i race to the bathroom and return with a tube of toothpaste. I know. i look back on it now and i think i was mentally retarded for a brief moment. but then i was desperate. In my mind i wa sthinking if we can get some "volume" up in that little hole then maybe it will stick. It didn't and we just laughed. Caroline then told me to give up so i did but i noticed toothpaste on one of th eblinds so i go to wipe it off and Crash Bang Boom! the whole rest of the blinds come tumbling on top of me. You must remember we are in a quad and will get in trouble if anyone wakes up!! so we are sitting in silence with our mouths wide open because we are laughing so hard their is no noise coming out of our mouths. of course Caroline still in her undergarmets only made it more hilarious. So then we think we hear someone coming i go to pick up this huge monstrousity and my hair gets stuck so i'm telling caroline to "Get it Out!" and she's just laughing. we get it out and then have a fashion show with the blinds. yes caroline still in her undies. then we realize some of the other girls in the other rooms haven't gone to bed yet either and we trot in their rooms with the triumphet blinds slung across our shoulders! everyone dies laughing. then alana fana is in another quad across the way and she calls and we want her to get in on it so she comes over then leaves but in doing so wakes up her mom on her way out. yes mrs swindler was our chaperone. So we are think OH CRAP! i close the door say Caroline she's coming we cut off the lights smack right in to each other fumbling around to cut off our vanity lights which are across the room from each other jump in to bed. (hahah that was another funny thing i swear the whole week caroline had used a chair to climb in to her bunk and this night she jumped from the ground to the top bunk) we pretend we are asleep and right as we jump in our beds mrs swindler walks in and asks if we are awake so of course we play it and are like "what? huh? we were asleep" we end up showing it to her and she thought it was funny we just wrote it off on our room slips. then the whole quad was basically up. the girls come in our room and realize with the blinds off the windows that the screens come off and there is a cocnut tree right outside our room. so we get the littlest person, emily, she climbs out the window four stories high i might add and we are all like Can you touch the tree? and she's freaking out and grabs a limb and says Yes I can touch the stupid tree! but she can't break one off so we go get nail clippers and she clips one off and of course we have a fashion show with the palm branch too. You know picture phones are just so convienient. so that is one story derived from the coconut then...i'll make this story short. we see a coconut tree above this huge white wall as we walk along the beach and we say "We're gonna GET that coconut!" we walk in to this pool of this hotel where we walk by the security like we own the place. We go pool hoping in the richest hotel on the west palm beach! women are wearing high heels and there are towel boys and one asked us if we wanted one and we said no then he starts talking to us. asking us where we are from of course in our minds we are thinking oh crap we are caught!! but kosh saves the day by saying south carolina and he asks oh on vacation and i was like yea you know how us rich kids do come down to florida for vacation. it was so funny at that moment a guy swam up to the side of the pool and said hey can you get me a glass of ice water? and i was like oh yea me too with lime! it was crazy. then we decided to take a little swim. so we did. too bad i didn't have my bathing suit on i just jumped in with my clothes on. so me kosh and david did laps in this fancy smancy pool. hmmm good times of course i do believe people realized we weren't rich on our way out seeing as i was in my clothes drenched from head to toe. there are so many more stories like playing hide and go seek in the rug shop and stealing a wheel chair and wheeling it out into the road and tipping it over with someone in it and laughing as they pretend to struggle to the side of the road. hmmm good times. oh well this is too long if you want to hear other amazing stories just call me up! and if you want to see pictures just im me dancinwitness03.
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