May 04, 2005 22:54
For all my LJ readers: (read: none.)
Steroid injections aren't working. Her platelette count is down from 15 to 13, which means her cells are still destroying themselves at a rapid pace. The waiting room was creepy. It was I was jealous of all the stupid people who got to take THEIR dogs home. I just want my puppy in my lap. I just want her to sleep beside me, just for tonight. I just want to hold my girl again. It broke my heart holding her in the waiting room. I could tell it was hurting her to even breathe. Each breath was labored and she squinted and panted trying to take in as much air as she could. I held her in her blankie and listened to her wheeze. The nurse came in to take her temperature and I placed her on the table. As the nurse inserted the thermometer into her, she looked up at me with the 2 saddest brown eyes I had ever seen. Then they took her back to the room and the doctor came to give us our options. He gave us the only option we had left: blood transfusion.
Blood transfusion has even less of a rate of success, (15%) than Steroids. Needless to say, it isn't looking good. Mom and I discussed it and decided that even though we both know in our hearts she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell... She deserves that chance. We recieved the estimate... a $900 bill for keeping her overnight and giving her the transfusions. I agreed to split it with mom. I'm going to try to find a job at the school to help cover it, because the fact is, neither of us has enough in our bank accounts to pay for it. (Yay for credit cards!) Euthanasia will be an additional $300 if it results in that and if I want to keep the remains, which I do. I asked for that as my birthday present this year. If she does leave us, I want to bury her in the backyard near the pond...
Honestly, In my heart, I know she's going to die. I knew this day was coming, I just didn't know it had to be this soon... My dad's birthday is tommorow... She picked a great time to get sick. The thing that breaks my heart is that she was so stoic about it. When I came home from work, she even forced herself up and stumbled towards the door to greet me.
I know this sounds stupid, but please... PRAY FOR SOPHIE, if any of you are actually reading this, pray that she will live another 6 or 7 good years. My baby is only 9 years old....