I like tea.
Currently, I have three different varieties; chai, chamomile, and raspberry green tea. The chai tea leaves quite a bit of dregs at the bottom, or at least, more than the other two. So, I naturally decided today to give myself an impromptu reading. Now, I didn't actually follow any rituals associated with Tasseomancy, so this is very imprecise, even by tea reading standards.
One of the first things I saw was a mouse. A very cute mouse. Running along the edge of the area. That's lovely, thought I, and carried on to look deeper in the cup. The main shape I saw, I deduced to be either another mouse, or a bird, or an angel. I leant heavily towards it being an angel though, but still other mice remained.
From my google search, I learned that a mouse is definitely a bad sign, usually signifying theft. Which sucks, cause there were a lot of mice. But the most prominent figure, the angel/bird, is a very good sign. The angel can mean
"a blessing from your guides", which is very good indeed, and the bird means "good fortune is on it's way". So, a bit of an oxymoron going on there.
My first thought was that (hopefully), I would be the one doing the thieving, which wouldn't be so bad (better than being stolen from, at least. Although, that really depends on how north your moral compass points, and what exactly is being stolen, but I digress). However, now I think it may mean that I will be stolen from, but then I will somehow be blessed by it, and come out better on the other end. Which is probably a better thing to happen than just to steal something and get away with it.
Anyhow, maybe now that I know a little bit more about it, I may be able to give myself a proper reading some other time, and maybe give readings to other people. This seems like the sort of thing I could have fun at! After all, the main reason Divination sucked was cause Trelawney relied a bit too heavily on her sherry.