Hilo! I realised that I haven't posted in forever, and that is wrong. I've been going a little crazy cause math 103 sucked (so I dropped it), and German sucks (but I can't drop it), and actually having a job while going to school somehow causes me stress. Which doesn't make sense because (1) I don't get stress like, ever, and (2) I basically spend all day online anyhow. It's not like my job cuts into my studying or homework. Maybe it has something to do with the constant interaction with other people. I'm probably way exceeding my socializing quota.
Anyhow, I have a plan for the last bit of lil!Donna, and will write and post those this week, plus I have to write a ficathon entry. Next week, I will find some sort of coherent plot for my NaNo novel. I do not want a repeat of last year. It played out like some cracktastic dream with about 5 John Keates poems thrown in.
But now I am bored, and stole this meme from
madly_love Doctor Who Meme
1. When did you start watching?
Must be nearly two years now.
2. What was your first episode?
The Shakespeare Code. I had heard about it on mugglenet, but my google-fu failed me and I couldn't find it on youtube. A few months later, I was flipping through channels, and guess what was on!
Although... I do vaguely recall bits of The Runaway Bride, and wondering wth was going on.
3. Which episodes have you seen?
All New Who, the TV movie, all of 4's eps, and The Unearthly Child story. (as well as all TW and SJA)
3a. Favourite?
Noooooo! I can't pick favourites! It's not fair!
4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
Bwahaha! I have got one friend to watch New Who, one who plans on maybe watching it in the future, my one sister who has only seen bits, but knows whats awesome because of my ramblings (also, she and her friend were almost in tears of joy at the end of School Reunion when K-9 came back, despite being like the first ep they'd seen), my other sister has seen all New Who, and I've started her on SJA (she really has no choice in the matter), my dad has seen S4 and most of TW, my mom has seen S4 as well.
5. Which Doctor is your favourite?
Weeelll, I have a tie for first between 10, 4, 8, and 9. Oh! I just realised I haven't placed 1 yet! Ah, he can go in first too. Apparantly my only standard for favorite Doctor is having seen him.
6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?
*sigh* I guess 9 is at the bottom, only because when I watch him I keep thinking of how 10 would do things.
7. Which TV companion is your favourite?
Donna, Sarah Jane, Romana I, Leela, Romana II.
8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?
By process of elimination, Rose and Martha. Rose gets down because I started with Martha, thinking along with her "who the hell is this Rose chick? Pay attention to my awesome". Martha gets down because, once I had seen Rose's eps, rewatching Martha's, I realised how kinda whiny she was.
9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?
Not yet.
9a. If so, which is your favourite?
9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favourite?
10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?
The Eight and Lucie ones that aired on BBC Radio 7 a while back. Frickin awesome.
11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?
It's on my list.
11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?
11b. Which is your favourite?
12. Have you read any of the comics?
13. Do you watch any of the spinoffs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
Yup to both! Except, I kinda stay away from Torchwood these days (Day 5 is what did it for me), but I am totally into SJA!
14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?
All of them! I predict spending the rest of my life trying to catch up with all the DW canon.
1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?
1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!
A little thing that popped into my head a few days ago, no idea where I'm going to put it though...
"Doctor! This isn't the TARDIS! You can't just hit it and expect it to work!"
"I knew that! I was just... testing something."
2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?
Sometimes. I would like to do more, except I kinda fail at text.
3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
The Ten Doctor's comic and all of Rich's
other stuff. It's from the comments in that that I know anything about OldWho, and eventually got up the courage to start watching it.
4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
No :(
5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
Not yet... If my plans work I will on Halloween.
6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
My sonic pen and sonic screwdriver! Also, my Chameleon Circuit CD.
7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
He's on probation. We'll see how he ends 10's reign, and what's up in SJA first.
7a. Steven Moffat?
For now. I am very wary about getting attached to things after RTD.
7b. Paul Cornell?
8. What say you to Season 6?
9. The UNIT dating controversy?
It was all an illusion. Or the Time War.
10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
Makes sense...
11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
Haven't seen any.
12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
Itsall good!
13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
I just saw GI Joe. I probably missed all the important plot point because I was giggling about Nine having a Scottish accent.
14. Have you met any of the actors?
14a. Traveled to any filming locations?
15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
Haha! It's awesome!
16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
Maybe that I like everything until told otherwise? I seriously have a debilitating lack of quality control on things I watch. I'M TOO POSITIVE FOR FANDOM!
17. What's your favourite pairing?
I have Doctor/Master, Doctor/Romana, Eight/Lucie Miller, Nine/Rose, Ten/Donna.
18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?
I'm pretty sure I'll ship anything.