May 09, 2007 22:44
The last few weeks haven't been too exciting. Most of the time I don't go to school, I have better things to do like sit in my house and do the dishes or wish I was somewhere else. When I do go, I spend hours either playing with computer programs in class or working on this goddamn story I don't even feel like writing half the time. Maybe I should take up smoking. You always see authors with a cigarette in their lips, maybe it helps inspire- actually scratch that. That's all I need is some cancer to neighbor my spaztic stomach. This entry sounds kinda angry or annoyed, but in reality i'm pretty content. Last week I managed to win a logo contest and the prize was a couple hundred bucks. Neato, so it does pay to be a nerd sometimes. Ooh, and last weekend there was this miraculous party at the Plymouth pit, I was offered money to sleep with a very drunk idiot. Maybe it was my apparel that evening that screamed 'PROSTITUTE', although they don't usually wear metal they? I guess i'm unaware when it comes to fashion, my bad. So as I sit here sipping on my diet pepsi I continue the neverending thought that is 'When Do I Get To Leave This Place?'. After [enter way too much thinking time here] I've made up my mind, and plan to leave right after graduation if possible. I honestly don't think i'll miss anything. Sometimes i'll miss my friends and maybe things like trees or swimming...but I suppose you can find any of those things in the city if you look hard enough. I think my only fear in moving away is that i'll get landed with a job that involves using a cash register. Maybe I should of used all this free time to see a shrink about that...hmm. I'm more excited than scared to move away really. I just can't wait to be on my own and free and in a stable relationship with a beautiful person. For now I suppose I can occupy myself with daydreams. Anyway, I guess I just felt like ranting cause I don't do it often anymore. I should probably get to bed now though, I have to meet the Vanguard at school tommorow so I can smile and be interviewed and be given a rediculous amount of money for the shittest drawing my pencil could ever give birth to. Nighty night.