(no subject)

Nov 15, 2009 18:42

A meme, stolen from ravgonfly and bodhifox

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
My hubby, and the cat.
What did you last eat?
Clam chowder.
What kind of books do you read?
History, especially US labor history, other non-fiction, and Dresden files.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Anywhere? I could go for a nice hot tub and a fireplace. Not sure it matters where.
When is your birthday?
Name one odd item within five feet of you.
I don't count as odd?
Okay, a postcard of two squid looking at a giant squid submarine with kitties looking out the eyeholes of the submarine.
What's your current fandom / obsession / addiction?
I don't really *do* fandom....I am obsessed with abandoned buildings though.
What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Work on my thesis. I don't really want to work on it, but I really need to.
What's your favorite holiday?
Halloween, followed by New Years and the Fourth of July.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, gmail, my other email, and Cold Antler Farm's blog. Also news.
If you could have any pet, what would it be?
Flapjack. See the second part of question one above.
Salty or sweet?
Savory please.
What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?
A hot tub and a fireplace, in a comfy cabin with a great meal.
Where is the place you like to return in order to calm down / relax / etc.?
Home, I guess. I don't have a special place, although the shower comes close.
What's one thing that terrifies you that nobody else gets?
the thought of being pregnant, ever
What color is your cell phone
Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
Backrubs from my mom. Not having to worry about bills and dinner.
What is one of your favorite quotes?
When at the edge of a cliff, a wise man defines progress as one step back.
Dunno who said this. I saw it on a hand written poster in the dorms at Johnson State College when I was about sixteen.

tag yourself if you wish, and you get to change a question
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