Stolen from Jill, who stole it from others:)
1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
I'd say it was half and half. There were some really bad and sad times... but there were a lot of amazing memories to even it out.
2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
The entire summer (specifically driving down Common to oldies or swimming in sports bras) and the night me and Joe went and saw Wedding Crasher's... no particular reason, we just had a really good night. Also the cruise.
3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
The 2 weeks following mine and Joe's breakup and all of the death's this year.
4) Where were you when 2005 began?
Working at a church in downtown Detroit
5) Who were you with?
Joe, Anthony, a Detloff, and a lot of Lebonese people.
6) Where will you be when 2005 ends?
I'm not sure yet.
7) Who will you be with when 2005 ends?
My friends/Joe
8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2005?
9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2006?
Not one im publicizing
10) Did youdate in 2005?
11) If yes, with who?
Joe and Jon
12) If yes, are you guys still together?
Me and Joe are, after a period of not togetherness.
13) Did you get laid?
Stupid question
14) Do you regret it?
Stupid question
15) Did you breakup with anyone in 2005?
16) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
17) Who are your favorite new friends?
me and jill weren't really "new" friends, we just were never close until this year.
Also me and Karli were never enemies, but now we're friends (I guessssss;)
18) What was your favorite month of 2005?
Every month of summer
19) Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?
To Canada, Mexico, Belize, and Costa Maya
20) How many different US states did you travel to in 2005?
Including driving through... Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida.
21) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
Not anyone close to me, no. But a lot of people passed away.
22) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
23) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... or The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
24) What was your favorite song from 2005?
Sugar, We're Goin' Down - Fall Out Boy, Konstantine- Something Corporate, I'll Be- Edwin McCain, and Take Tomorrow- Butch Walker
25) What was your favorite record from 2005?
Taking Back Sunday- Where You Want To Be
26) How many concerts did you see in 2005?
None, unless shows count.
27) Did you have a favorite concert in 2005?
Um if shows count, ya, the first time I saw the Weakend at the Shelter
28) Did you drink a lot of alchohol in 2005?
Not a LOT.
29) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2005?
31) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
33) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
I don't really know
34) Did you treat somebody badly in 2005?
35) Did somebody treat you badly in 2005?
36) How much money did you spend in 2005?
I don't know, kind of a lot.
37) What was your proudest moment of 2005?
Um I don't know... probably getting over the fear of doing a backhandspring by myself, even if it's just on the trampoline. Or stunting for most of the team.
38) What was your most embarrassing moment of 2005?
Um... probably Alyssa's party/Saturday school the next morning.
39) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005?
Jetskiing in Cozumel or any day of summer.
40) What are your plans for 2006?
To have as much fun as I can without doing too many things I'll regret. And to focus on the things I need to accomplish and not hold anything back before I graduate and it's too late to change things.
1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, whats the
first thing you look at?
Eyes or teeth
2. How much cash do you have on you?
whatever change I have in my wallet... sometimes I'll surprise myself and have some actual cash in there.
3. Whats a word that rhymes with TEST?
4. Favorite flower?
Sunflower's or yellow roses
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on
your cell phone?
O wait, let me just grab my cell phone...
6. What is your main ring tone on your phone?
Don't rub it in.
7. What shirt are you wearing?
My Tayshaun Prince nightie
8. Do you label yourself?
Not if I can help it
9. Name the brand of your shoes youre currently wearing.
10. Bright or Dark Room?
12. Ever spilled the beans?
Does this mean have I ever told a secret? Then ya.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Just getting home from Joe's.
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
Again with the cell phone.
15. Do you ever click on Pop Ups or Banners?
No they're so annoying.
16. Whats a saying that you say a lot?
I have a lot, mainly sarcastic ones.
17. Who told you they loved you last?
18. Last furry thing you touched?
Kerby the runaway dog lol
19. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past Three Days?
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
None normally, unless it's like homecoming or something.
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
15, still experiencing 16 but so far so good.
22. Your worst enemy?
3 names come to mind:) 4 including Mrs. Tieman.
23 What is your current desktop picture?
A picture of me, my mom, my sister, and my baby cousin.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Chris, don't get me anything"
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to
be able to change a major regret?
To change a major regret, because I definitely have one.
26. Do you love / like someone?and who?
Yea, Joe.