hmmm I haven't wrote in 10 years and I'm kinda bored and have some pics so here it goes:
welll I donno where to start actually so I'm gonna do pictures first.
hahah how good do we look?
i know its really little but hahahahhah
looooveee this grl
hot a$$ ho3$$$
I wear a mean dark pair of shades
sooo those are done. so since january:
new years was fuckin bomb, great way to start.
I got a roooooomie for college aka alexandra simmerson.
she's bomb, we're gonna ball it up togetha.
went to state with ma girlies, had the best time you could imagine.
I don't think anything thus far has topped it, but we are
giong back tomorrow night for the whole weekend so don't quote
me on it just yet. We had a good time with string beans,
back attackers, chairs, and open wounds. What can I say,
we love, we love to party. Umm what else... we've done bomb
at competition: we got 3rd, 2nd, and FIRST. so ya, we ball.
BUTTT regionals next week, don't count on a strong finish lol.
SOPAD is in like 46 days bia. It's gonna be so bomb.
And to end, I lost an ugg boot in the parkinglot at lakeside mall.
and I've locked my keys in the car (once started in the ignition)
3 times since I last posted sooo I'm a fgt.