May 07, 2005 13:44
Okay so last night was by far the greatest night I've had in a long time! Ryan, Jason, Megan, Jay, Dooder and Twitch all hung out and just so everyone knows, I was the only completely sober one the entire night, it was great. I dont think I have ever had that much fun sober in my life. Jason, Jay, Ryan, and Dooder all went through 3 bottles of Jager and 40 beers in like 3-4 hours. Jason ended up pucking around midnight and then passing out. He called me thanking me this morning for taking care of him, Im such a good friend! The lady at the Seven day store was cracking up every time Ryan and I would walk back in (about an hour apart) and get a new bottle of Jager. Megan and I went to Juanberto's around 11:45 and got food, I was starving! I didnt even get home till like 2:30 or 3 this morning, what a night! We are all going to Big Bear next weekend and that should be a blast, Im way excited.
Oh yeah. . .the most exciting part about last night was that Carla figured out that she had 3-way calling on her phone so we called Kate and we all got to talk. It was just like Carla and Kate were in the same room again and I was here in Cali, amazing! We just might have to do that every night to catch up on everyone's life. This whole 1+1+1 thing is going to be tough this summer but thats okay! As soon as they go back to school in August, I get to go visit them. I am leaving the 30th of August and I am way excited.
I am still excited about going to school out there and moving out there to be with them. I know we will have a lot of fun but its times like last night that make me not want to move. I will miss everything about San Diego and all of my friends. Jason, Ryan and all of them will still be here and then Alli, Pat, Eric, Jen, Kyle and everyone else will still be coming home for summer and I won't be here. I guess that is the part about growing up that sucks. I wish I could just be in two places at once, it would make things so much easier! Oh well . . .gotta live life to the fullest and maybe moving to Tennessee and partying/living on my own for a few years and then moving back to Cali is what I need. Who knows, I have a while to decide.
Well I must go shopping, tomorrow is Mother's Day and I have to get my mom her present! Seriously, she is the greatest mom in the entire world and doe so much for us. She deserves a lot! I wish money grew on trees though so I could give her a whole lot. I'll do my best. Happy Mother's Day to all of your mom's! Kass and Kristen, Happy Mother's Day as well!
Welp, see ya later!
Ps- Quotes from the life of Richelle, Carla and Kate:
Richelle: "If you love him, let him go, if he doesn't come back, he's with me!"
Kate: "I can go from 0 to horny in 2.5 beers"
Carla: "Life aint Hollywood. Life is shit"
Gotta love us!!