Mar 29, 2005 15:39
Where to start? I have no idea. Spring break 2005 was by far the best week of my life. I dont think I have ever had so much fun with the two greatest girls, a hotel room, a night club, and the greatest bunch of guys. It was so awesome. I wish I was back there right now. There is no part of me wishing to be home right now. So to start the week off Carla and Kate met me at the airport. The ride home was fun and just the way to start our week. Saturday we went to the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville and that was awesome! I got to see the bridge that they used for the Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy video. It was neat! We walked around downtown Nashville and had ice cream. . .mmmm! On Saturday night we went to a play for Carla's sisters and that was amazing! I have never seen something performed by high school kids that well in my life. We went to bed around midnight and got up at 3 to leave for Daytona. We were out of her driveway at 4:04 am. We drove down there and that was a blast lol. We covered a banana with a condom and quite some fun with it. I have pictures of Kate!!! We got to Daytona about 4 or so and we were in the smallest room ever! lol we had one bed for 3 girls and it just wasnt big enough for the 9 suitcases we brought. We met some guys and hung out in our room Sunday night. We all 3 slept in our tiny little bed, head to toe and then switched to room 345 the next day. Monday was when everything started. . .we went to the beach for the day and layed out. On the way back up to our room we met some guys. There were 15 of them staying in our hotel for a month because of some schooling thing they are going to to install car radios and what not. We all went swimming Monday night and the guys came down to the pool. Danny went swimming with us and so did a few others. Throughout the week these boys became our best friends. They are one of a kind, thats for damn sure. Danny was probably and still is the nicest person I have ever met in my life. He took us to the club and even one night pickied us up at 4:00 am even though he had to take his test the next day, because of a problem we had. I mean seriously, who does that? Only him. . thats for sure. Well we went to the beach Tuesday and Danny and some of the guys came to see us on their lunch break. Tuesday night we went out to Razzles which is by far the best night club ever!!! We met some guys, a group of cousins and we danced till like 3 in the morning. This night was the night we were going to attempt to walk to our hotel 6 miles away. Guess what? We didnt make it! lol it started pouring down rain as we hit Intl. Speedway and A1A which is only like a mile, if that from the club. This really nice guy from England bought us a cab and we came home. Thanks Kate!! Wednesday I wasnt feelin too hot so the girls went to the beach without me. I slept most of the day that day. Wednesday we attempted to go out with all 3 of us but some how little miss Carla got a little too drunk to join us. We got to the plaza hotel with the guys and she was puking over the parking garage railing so I decided I needed to take her home. I called Danny and he came and got us. We got her to bed about an hour later and then I went back out with Kate. I didnt have that much fun that night cuz I felt incomplete without Carla. I was a worry woman all night too. . .oh well thats what best friends do! Thursday the girls went to the beach again and I stayed and cleaned. Danny came over on his lunch break and we watched Newlyweds and just talked. That boy is so sweet. We seriously talked for hours each night and I loved it! Its been a long time since I had someone to listen to me and listened to someone about everything in their life. I miss that. Anyways, we attempted to go to the beach on I dont know what day, either Thursday or Wednesday to go shopping but this thunderstorm stopped us. We were caught in a hurricane I swear! The winds were 58 mph and the roads were flooding almost instantly. It was amazing to watch but scared the shit out of me. We got back to the room just in time for the guys to be getting out of school. Thursday night we made jello shooters and man did we have some fun!!! We made 46 jello shooters and well since the guys dont drink, we had them all to ourselves! We went out Thursday night to Razzles again, I think. I dont remember for sure. I remember Friday was a shitty day so we didnt go to the beach or anything. We did eat at Bob Evans though! lol that was the greatest. There was this old lady in her gold shoes doing laps around the building and I dont think I have ever seen three people, especially Kate laugh as hard as we did. Friday night I was supposed to just hang out with Danny since he was staying the night at the hotel just for me and not going home. I hung out with him till like 12 or 1230 and then Carla and I went out. Kate was really tired but we were only gone for about an hour or so. I started feeling sick and Carla wasnt having fun. Kate came and got us and we went to bed. Sat. morning we got up at 6 but I hadnt slept all night cuz I was puking. I went to the ER and they did a bunch of tests and guess who showed up? Danny. Yup, once again he stayed to see me. Think its a little weird? Dont! Hes just the nicest person ever. I have a feeling we will be staying in touch. Anyways that just about sums up my spring break, well the edited verson of it. If you'd like to unedited version just IM me or leave a comment and I will give you all of the memories that we have. They are great. Girls. . I cant wait to do it again. We will be back in Daytona this summer, without a doubt. 2+1 FOREVER! I love you both!!!
Oh yeah, Carla got kicked out of Razzles one night for drinking underage lol that was classic. We beat the system, washed her hand off and got back in. Good times people! Also. . Our offical spring break song is "Anythying but Mine" by Kenny Chesney, thanks for the fun time girls!