Oct 12, 2008 23:59
Athena, welcome back to LiveJournal.
So yeah, I haven't written in here in probably the longest amount of time since I started writing in this thing back in freshman year of college. So it's probably time for an update, huh? There's no way I'm going to be able to remember every little thing that's happened over the past two months so I'll just write about some of the highlights and some of the things I'm feeling right now.
My 23rd birthday weekend:
That Friday, Dan and I went into Boston to the St. Anthony's Festival. It was so fun to just be out on the streets in the crowds and be spontaneous. We stopped at his cousin Chris's apartment because he was having a little party, and we hung out on the roof overlooking the city of Boston. We went out for dessert too in the North End. Very fun little night. Saturday night was the big night out with all my friends and everyone. Some of us met at Dan's beforehand (he decorated his apartment with streamers and got all sorts of snacks and a cake for me), and then we all went into Boston to Ned Devine's. I had never been there before... but it was so fun. I was very happy with the amount of people who showed up (PCDC especially!). My actual birthday day itself did not go as planned and I was really upset about it, but what can you do? Dan and I ended up going to Pete's cookout and going to bed pretty early.
Moving Out/Moving In:
The move was kind of hectic on Labor Day. Dan and I took several trips back and forth from Waltham to Brighton with my things. The previous tenants were NOT ready to be out on time, and they were still bringing things out when we were supposed to be moving in. And they had three nasty dogs running around. In the late afternoon we went to Wilmington for a birthday dinner with my family, and then we got a UHaul for all my big furniture - my parents and sister came along to help. Family tensions were running high that night for sure, and Dan definitely got his first insight into some of the familial "things" I've told him about all along. It was a really tiring day. But the apartment has really come together quite nicely after several Ikea trips and lots of cleaning - I absolutely love it here. The roommate situation is working out pretty well - there will obviously be minor things here and there with roommates that bother you. But it's going great especially considering I went from living on my own for a year to living with three other girls. We threw a huge housewarming party at the end of September and had a huge turnout for it. Very fun night minus some drama involving "stolen" cell phones.
Still there. Did some internal reorganizing within the group. Wellum is no longer a part of our group because they created an entirely new RXM group. So I no longer support "my thing." But I'm going to be cross trained in several other modules soon, so we'll see how it goes. My Colorado trip was the trip from hell back in August. I had four delayed flights within three days, no sleep, a PT cruiser, was driving through a "falling rock zone" in the mountains at midnight by myself, the hotel canceled my room without notice, and my site visit itself was useless. Worst. I don't have anymore scheduled or coming up as of now, but who knows. I've had a lot of good feedback lately from customers and lots of recognition from my upper management - so I'm just to figure out where I want to go next in life. I think I'll stay in my MEDITECH position now for another year or so... and then try to move on maybe within the company. I just need to figure out where. Or do I want to go elsewhere? Same industry where I can make 80,000 doing the exact same work? Grad school? But for what? I decided I just need to educate myself on what my options are, and take it from there. I can't keep getting so down on myself... but it's hard sometimes when I feel like I'm not doing what I *should* be - whatever that is.
Fun things I've done in the past couple of months:
-Good Harbor with the roomies
-Apple picking with Dan
-Ben Folds concert with Dan
-Dan's uncle's wedding
-Greenbriar and Ned Devine's on the rainy roomie night out
-Housewarming party
-Out to dinner with Ashley
-Game night at our apartment
-Sunday walking around the city with Dan / laying by the Charles
-New Bedford this weekend for Auntie Paula's birthday, church, and Loretta Laroche
-Yard Sale last weekend
-BBC Night after work
-EDM girls night at Sarah's
-Office marathons with Dan
-Lani's birthday celebration at Cleary's
-The boys housewarming in Somerville
My relationship:
Dan and I kind of went through a slump in August - I'm not really sure why. But we had a really good talk one night - about all of our fears and all the things going through our heads, and things really turned around for the best. I'm so happy with him. We've been really, really good lately. I know there are things that I do that drive him crazy and things he does that drive me crazy, but that's normal right? Our list of good things completely outweighs those minor quirks. We're just doing so well. He is in Florida this weekend visiting his friend Christian and his brother. He left Thursday and is coming back on Tuesday - and I've found that I really miss him! A lot. I know that's not even that long of a time, but I think that the feelings I've had while he is away have been really telling. I can't believe that we met at this time a year ago and have really almost been dating an entire year. Time really does fly. I'm very lucky.
Family things:
-My sister has lost 40 pounds
-Uncle Chris's new eye place is open and I'm so proud of him
-Uncle Chris and Dan found a new tenant for the apartment I lived in for the past year
-My brother was home from Villanova this weekend and I'd really love to pick a weekend to visit him there
-Uncle Chris and Dan are going to both be in the same play in November
-Gregory is still the cutest little cousin in the world
-Lexa is pregnant and having a girl
-My Auntie Tina (Lexa's mom) and my mom have not spoken in two months
-We won the court case against Helen (yes, that bitch is STILL in the picture) and she appealed it, so it's still going on
-Uncle George is finally serious about a girl
And... that's it, I think. I need to make a point to write more often... but it's hard! Life is hectic. That's all for now. Time for sleep...