Discussion: How does SL affect your RL?

Oct 09, 2008 23:22

Here is the transcript from tonight's discussion on how SL affects RL:

You of course is me.

[18:37] You: Anyway I guess I'll start out by telling a little about my thoughts on sl and then I'll open it up for discussion. SL has been a wonderful experience for me. I am an introvert in rl and while I have a few close friends I'm not really a social butterfly in rl. I go out on the weekends and have some things I'm involved in but I'm an introvert. SL has helped me overcome some of my shyness just because its easier for me to be outgoing here cause I don't look like I do in rl and its just easier to do stuff but I didn't realize how much sl means to me until a few weeks ago when I met an sl friend in rl for the first time which is Llud over there. (:
[18:40] Lludmila Mirrikh blushes.
[18:40] You: I realized that SL friendships do mean as much as rl friendships despite the fact that I can't give the people a hug... or come over to their house for dinner. We are still friends and it still means a lot. Also that same weekend hurricane Ike and affected some of my SL friends including Skye over there and I realized how worried I was about them...
[18:41] Skye Lewellen smiles
[18:41] You: and all that happening in one weekend made me realize how much SL people mean to me and how SL is yet another of the many ways I am blessed in life.
[18:42] Symmetry Munro: well spoken!
[18:42] Symmetry Munro: APPLAUSE!!!!
[18:42] You: It took all that for me to realize how much this world does matter....
[18:42] Skye Lewellen: hear hear!
[18:42] Symmetry Munro: YAY! (yay!)
[18:42] You: and that its a good and healthy thing as long as your SL doesn't become your first life
[18:43] You: and I think I am a better person for being here and have taken away much more from here than I could ever give back.
[18:43] Symmetry Munro: And you run a great club, too :o]
[18:43] You: and I guess that's really the impact that sl ahs had on me... but I'll shut up for while and let some other people talk since this is a discussion and not a speech. (:
[18:43] You: thanks Symm
[18:44] Symmetry Munro: One negative....not here...but other places is the tendency toward drama
[18:44] Lludmila Mirrikh: It's like RL that way.
[18:44] Symmetry Munro: Some people bring their outside problems into SL, and don't know how to relate to other people
[18:44] You: I agree Symm.. people can also turn things in sl that are relatively small into big issues and then hurt other people.
[18:45] Vivian Dharnen nods big time
[18:45] Symmetry Munro: I've heard of some really, really awful things happen to people, like stalking, and having your avatar's picture used for pornographic purposes
[18:45] Lludmila Mirrikh: Bad things make news.
[18:45] Symmetry Munro: Yes..
[18:45] Skye Lewellen: very true
[18:46] Symmetry Munro: But the particulars in this case...one was a friend and the other an acquaintance
[18:46] You: Yeah, the worst thing that has happened to me is to be thrown out of a group because people didn't agree with my views...
[18:46] Symmetry Munro: I'm not a spring chicken, but I was surprised that this happened
[18:46] You: and sometimes I get judged for being a male in a female avatar
[18:46] GoSpeed Racer: some people have renegged on business deals and then threaten to sue you if you talk about it publicly
[18:46] Azareth Kohime: o_O"
[18:47] You: I think when you come down to it... SL is some strange middle ground between fantasy and reality...
[18:47] Symmetry Munro: Yes, when I was a male avie, some friends reacted negatively to my gender
[18:47] You: some of it is pure fantasy but more of it real than is fantasy I think
[18:47] Symmetry Munro: I even had a male friend make a pass at me...he had never made overtures to me in my female form...
[18:47] Symmetry Munro: Yes, i think that's it
[18:47] You: but some people make the mistake of taking all of it seriously and making drama and some people make the mistake of thinking nothing they do here matters
[18:48] Symmetry Munro: That is true too
[18:48] You: and those people end up hurting other people
[18:48] GoSpeed Racer: I was recently slammmed on the comment section of a popular blog for participating in the Miss SL Ebony Contest. They said only RL blacks should participate
[18:48] Symmetry Munro: But how can you tell in SL?
[18:48] GoSpeed Racer: you can't
[18:49] You: well, I think part of the cool thing about sl is that you can play with your identity...
[18:49] Azareth Kohime: why dose it matter? o_O"
[18:49] You: but you can be anything you want on the outside. you are still YOU inside...
[18:49] Skye Lewellen: and would it really be any different if people are all the same?
[18:49] You: and that is fascinating
[18:49] Symmetry Munro: We know that...but its an elusive principle for some people
[18:49] Lludmila Mirrikh: Some people aren't happy unless they are making judgments. It makes them feel superior.
[18:50] You: It really brings us all to being purely ourselves, there's no judgment based on outer appearances that can't be changed..
[18:50] Jua Luminos: sl is very creative
[18:50] You: because create our appearance
[18:50] Jua Luminos: being some one different is part of creativity
[18:50] Lludmila Mirrikh: Who else has met anyone from SL in RL?
[18:50] You: because we create our appearance so our appearance is a construct rather than something immutable
[18:51] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yeah, I like the mutability.
[18:51] Jua Luminos: and the tast is our rl mind
[18:51] Skye Lewellen: I have! he's one of my best friends now!
[18:51] Symmetry Munro: I do too :o] I don't think I look the same two days in succession :o]
[18:51] You: Skye has met the famous Heath Elvehem in rl!
[18:51] Lludmila Mirrikh: I've met two so far. Grizzy and Lorraine.[18:51] Azareth Kohime: I've never meet anyone from SL in RL
[18:51] Skye Lewellen: lol he's played at my house (for a show in sl lol)
[18:51] Lludmila Mirrikh: Heh!
[18:51] Symmetry Munro: I've met some of the Wheel of Time people I RP with, and it has enhanced the SL relationships.I actually appeared in RL in a costume contest as my SL avatar
[18:52] Lludmila Mirrikh: Now there's an idea.
[18:52] You: I think sl and rl are best if they compliment each other...
[18:52] Symmetry Munro: Which is sort of funny....considering the differences between the way of look in RL and SL
[18:52] Skye Lewellen: I have only met a few people in RL that worried me... but they were not my SL friends to begin with
[18:52] You: It would be very very ugly if I dressed up as my avatar. (:
[18:52] Jua Luminos: i agree
[18:52] Symmetry Munro: I am essentially the same person :o]
[18:53] Jua Luminos: i agree to the complement of sl and rl
[18:53] Symmetry Munro: I think that my SL persona has helped me to be a bit more flamboyant in RL
[18:53] You: I am the same other than physical appearance.. and I'm a lot more outgoing here
[18:53] Lludmila Mirrikh: You're hostess - you have to be more outgoing.
[18:53] You: When Llud and I met in rl, it was a little weird at first.. but then by the end it became more comfortable
[18:54] Skye Lewellen: I have been stalked in sl and had my avatar copied an put up fro sale - and been through a ton in SL but it has all helped me grow in RL
[18:54] Lludmila Mirrikh: And Bob had to pry us apart.
[18:54] Symmetry Munro: Or a host..I get tripped up in the gender thing, verbally, sometimes
[18:54] You: (:
[18:54] Symmetry Munro: But I'm comfortable with it
[18:54] Lludmila Mirrikh: Bob and I had dinner in London with Lorraine and we all had a great time.
[18:54] Natalina DeVinna: avatar for sale ? I have neve heard about it
[18:54] Jua Luminos: skye i had my profile copied and put in 4 bots
[18:55] Azareth Kohime: o_O"
[18:55] Symmetry Munro: Egad!
[18:55] Lludmila Mirrikh: Ummm, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
[18:55] You: thankfully no one has copied me yet
[18:55] Skye Lewellen: ewww now that's interesting what did you do?
[18:55] Jua Luminos: i reported the case
[18:56] LaDonna Upshaw is Offline
[18:56] Skye Lewellen: cool !
[18:56] Skye Lewellen: yes it was sold as a shape and skin
[18:56] You: I also have found that sl has made me more accepting of people...
[18:56] Symmetry Munro: Is it a problem that there is no real "law enforcement" in SL?
[18:56] You: cause I've become close friends with people here that I probably wouldn't have been friends with in rl.
[18:56] Natalina DeVinna: but I belive its not transfer the skin and shapes...how you may sell it?
[18:56] Lludmila Mirrikh: SL is the great equalizer.
[18:57] You: Yes, it is a problem Symm... especially if you fall into a group that griefers tend to be prejudiced against
[18:57] You: I've noticed that griefers particularly like to harrass furries, gays, and Christians
[18:57] Skye Lewellen: what a combination!
[18:58] Lludmila Mirrikh: There's a broad spectrum.
[18:58] Symmetry Munro: I do know a gay, furry Christian... :o]
[18:58] You: when I get griefed it is usually at a religious themed event
[18:58] Natalina DeVinna: may be they are more sencetive?
[18:58] You: which it is not
[18:59] Skye Lewellen: maybe it's that they are considered non-pc?
[18:59] Lludmila Mirrikh: See, I haven't run into anything like that.
[18:59] Symmetry Munro: I remember meeting with a group of Anglicans about a griefer and accidentally hitting the command to take off all my clothes :o] I was very embarrassed
[18:59] You: no, that is making it the fault of the victim
[18:59] Symmetry Munro: The whole concept of nudity here is, well, rather academic...
[18:59] Lludmila Mirrikh: Boy, that takes talent, Symm. I'm still working on how you did that.
[19:01] You: I do feel like oen problem with SL is that people don't know how to act yet
[19:01] Symmetry Munro: What do you mean?
[19:02] You: some people think that because it looks like a game... that you can do anything. that people don't deserve privacy
[19:02] GoSpeed Racer: no norms, standards of behaviour or conduct
[19:02] You: that you don't have to have manners
[19:02] You: yeah, what Go said
[19:02] Skye Lewellen: true they have to be posted!
[19:02] Symmetry Munro: Do you think that some of these problems are caused by underage people sneaking onto the adult sim?
[19:02] GoSpeed Racer: sadly not
[19:03] Lludmila Mirrikh: Plenty of immature adults.
[19:03] GoSpeed Racer: I've seen 52 year old men go beserk like teenagers
[19:03] Lludmila Mirrikh raises own hand.
[19:03] Symmetry Munro: True...there is no shortagle of immature adult
[19:03] You: maybe... but also if you walk into in a place of business in rl, there are things you know you can't do because you'd get kicked out of the store or arrested .
[19:03] You: but here there's not that sense of "I can't do that"
[19:03] Lludmila Mirrikh: Or at least "I can't do that here."
[19:03] You: yeah
[19:03] Skye Lewellen: i think if you're here long enough that does happen
[19:04] You: and I also have seen people who think that just because they are on a Mature sim that means they can have sex in public
[19:04] Symmetry Munro: I am amazed at the amount of money I spend in SL, and I'm spending more every month (mor or less)
[19:04] You: and "mature" doesn't mean the entire sim is one big orgy
[19:04] Jua Luminos: it is easy to spend money here
[19:05] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yeah, that "mature" thing is misleading.
[19:05] You: there should still be some sense of keeping that kind of thing where it belongs because the whole world doesn't really want need to see your fetishes on parade.
[19:05] Symmetry Munro: True
[19:05] Symmetry Munro: But there is a whole side to SL that most of us don't see because we aren't looking for it...at least I'm not
[19:06] Symmetry Munro: I was surprised when a friend told me she had worked in an SL "brothel"
[19:06] Symmetry Munro: Because the money was good
[19:06] Arilynn Karu: Lol, I was asked to be a sex escort
[19:06] Symmetry Munro: There are a lot of sims and enterprises that are a bit below the radar
[19:06] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yeah, well, they can stay there.
[19:06] Symmetry Munro: LOL
[19:06] Skye Lewellen: many of the sl n00bs seem to think that's why sl is here
[19:07] You: yeah, I think for people to take sl seriously and see it for what it is rather than what the media portrays it as...
[19:07] Symmetry Munro: True
[19:07] Arilynn Karu: That's what I like about SL - there is no "radar" except for the ability to not see "mature" sights. You can chose your own environments
[19:07] You: there needs to be some sort of standard of behavior beyond just what the sim owner will and will not tolerate
[19:07] Arilynn Karu: Why? Why not just allow the sim owner to dictate it?
[19:07] Skye Lewellen: like any society it will form one - it already is a bit
[19:08] You: well, the sim owner is not always around...
[19:08] Symmetry Munro: You're awful quiet Glorfindel!
[19:08] You: and like I said "Mature" doesn't mean "you are free to lead your slave around by nipple clamps at any time you like"
[19:08] Glorfindel Arrow: hmmm
[19:08] Lludmila Mirrikh: No, they need to do that in Nipple Clamp Land.
[19:08] Skye Lewellen: we see surprisingly little of that stuff anymore
[19:08] You: yeah, that's my point... There is a time and place for everything
[19:09] Skye Lewellen: it used to be much more like the wild west
[19:09] Arilynn Karu: I see a fair amount of slaves and master/mistress, but very few overt displays. People are usually more discrete. The others are the exception I think
[19:09] You: I think people should have the freedom to do it, despite the fact that I don't personally like it
[19:09] You: but I also think like in rl, it shouldn't be displayed in public
[19:09] Symmetry Munro: Not in your sim :o]
[19:09] Arilynn Karu: But what is "public" in SL?
[19:09] Lludmila Mirrikh: There is no privacy in SL.
[19:09] You: Stores.. stores are public
[19:10] You: stores, parks... concert halls...
[19:10] Skye Lewellen: privacy in sl is true illusion
[19:10] Lludmila Mirrikh: It's in the mind of the beholder.
[19:10] You: the street outside of shops
[19:10] You: public
[19:10] Skye Lewellen: that's the ONLY privacy yes:)
[19:10] Lludmila Mirrikh: Gosh, Grizzy - where DO you go?!
[19:10] You: If you are in a club or store that caters to that sort of thing that's one thing
[19:11] Glorfindel Arrow: a lot of places i go there isn't anyone else around....Public? or private?
[19:11] You: but if you'e in a mainstream dress shop or ssomething I feel like you should be discreet
[19:11] You: I hope that makes sense.. and I'm not just babbling
[19:12] Skye Lewellen: how discreet can be expected when the poseballs are the product?
[19:12] Symmetry Munro: I find the opportunities for roleplay here to be fascinating...that's something I've been involved with the past three months
[19:12] You: I guess to me a good analogy would be... what if the internet had ads for porn sites on amazon.com or yahoo.com.
[19:12] Lludmila Mirrikh: I'm beginning to suspect that I'm not hanging out in enough places.
[19:13] Skye Lewellen laughs
[19:13] You: I don't see it very often, Llud.. but it is there
[19:13] You: but we can move onto a different topic since Symm seems to be changing the subject. (: I have never done any type of RP in sl, Symm so tell us about it
[19:15] Symmetry Munro: I RP as a preacher in a Western sim, and I've married folks...its very rewarding...and I'm an Innkeeper in Tar Valon, a fantasy sim
[19:15] Vivian Dharnen: I have been in RP sim over 10 months now Have seen many ups and downs for the SIM itself and myself
[19:15] Glorfindel Arrow: a place or two I looked into had so much backstory to study so you could do the role play, I gave up
[19:16] Symmetry Munro: That can be a problem...
[19:16] Vivian Dharnen: like somebody said, I am still trying to find the balance of "fantasy and reality"
[19:16] Twisted Surface: hehe
[19:16] Lludmila Mirrikh: I'm still trying to find the balance between SL and House Cleaning.
[19:17] Vivian Dharnen: it is rewarding in someway, as you find people who have the same interest
[19:17] Symmetry Munro: LOL...true Llud!
[19:17] You: I just never had a desire to do it
[19:17] Twisted Surface: I'm inclined to lean more towards that Vivian said ;D
[19:17] You: It is hard for me to not be myself I'd be a terrible actor
[19:17] Lludmila Mirrikh: Heh.
[19:18] Vivian Dharnen: but when you get to know people there, you work together how to run sim better
[19:18] Glorfindel Arrow: it's good to find people with a common intrest, even if it's not role play
[19:18] Vivian Dharnen: that is another enriching experience
[19:18] Lludmila Mirrikh: Whenever I feel like giving up on SL, I think of the friends I've made and how much I'd miss them.
[19:19] Vivian Dharnen: fantasy part is.... when you develop a strong tie emotionally
[19:19] Lludmila Mirrikh: I consider them to be real.
[19:19] You: I only tink about giving up when something really bad happens to me
[19:19] Vivian Dharnen: how do you find the balance? I am struggling
[19:19] Twisted Surface: of time?
[19:19] You: which hasn't happened in a long time
[19:19] Lludmila Mirrikh: Faugh, bad things happen to me in RL.
[19:20] Vivian Dharnen: emotional involvement
[19:20] Lludmila Mirrikh: People can hurt me just as easily here (if not more so for some reason) than they can in RL.
[19:20] Lludmila Mirrikh: as they can
[19:21] Jua Luminos: our emotions are the same in sl or rl
[19:21] You: yeah, they are.
[19:21] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yeah.
[19:21] You: getting your feelings hurt here hurts just as much as in rl
[19:22] Jua Luminos: yes
[19:22] Symmetry Munro: I am surprised at how fervent some of the SL marriages are that I encounter. I am rare in that my SL and RL partners ar the same
[19:22] Glorfindel Arrow: oh I used to get angry a lot, but never brought it up in chat...learned to just let it go...
[19:22] Lludmila Mirrikh: I blog my anger.
[19:22] Symmetry Munro: Some people have an SL marriage and RL marriage with different people. This puzzles me
[19:22] Vivian Dharnen looks down
[19:23] Symmetry Munro: I can't imagine you being mad at anyone, Llud! I am sorry if I have offended anyone with my comments
[19:23] Lludmila Mirrikh: Ah, that's where the fantasy comes in, Symm. Hee!
[19:23] You: Yeah, but I'm still not sure that that isn't cheating
[19:23] Symmetry Munro: I don't know...it just isn't something I can do. There is an SL songwriter who has an interesting song about SL marriages :o]
[19:24] Jua Luminos: it would depend on the agreement the partners have
[19:24] Arilynn Karu: I agree, Jua
[19:24] Lludmila Mirrikh: I've seen some strange situations ... I couldn't deal with it personally and do what I can to discourage SL relationships.
[19:25] Glorfindel Arrow: but SL is a time eater, and that time not spent with the RL partner.....
[19:25] You: yeah, I think Glor has a valid point especially if you have kids in rl
[19:25] Jua Luminos: at first one spends a lot of time on it because it is new
[19:26] Symmetry Munro: I joined with the idea that I could spend time with my son here in SL, but he disdains SL
[19:26] Glorfindel Arrow: oh I have spent a lot of time on line instead of doing chores and getting things together....lol
[19:26] You: Yeah, I have a problem telling anyone in rl about sl because most people don't get it. I wish I could share
[19:27] Symmetry Munro: True
[19:27] You: but most people just look at me like I'm weird
[19:27] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yeah, I bore people to tears with SL.
[19:27] Jua Luminos: people have to be in sl to understand sl i think
[19:27] Symmetry Munro: And you have to be something of a technogeek to do the basic SL stuff
[19:27] Jua Luminos: yes
[19:27] Symmetry Munro: Really
[19:28] Glorfindel Arrow: yeah, I had never done chat before and it took me a long time to get used to it, still don't do it well
[19:28] You: I told my friend about it and he said "but I don't want to have sex with cartoon squirrels"
[19:28] Symmetry Munro: LOL
[19:28] Glorfindel Arrow: Sl has it's own 'culture' or I call it a 'seperate reality'
[19:28] You: In some ways yes it does. we have our own words
[19:29] Jua Luminos: i find it very creative
[19:29] Lludmila Mirrikh: I love words.
[19:29] You: language and our own currency
[19:29] Glorfindel Arrow: and things have a certain 'look' to them
[19:29] Lludmila Mirrikh: An SL friend described SL as an interactive graphic novel.
[19:29] Symmetry Munro: And people dance all the time... spontaneously
[19:29] Glorfindel Arrow: heheehh
[19:30] Symmetry Munro: And spel funny
[19:30] Glorfindel Arrow: I use a lot of words in RL I can't spell ...lolol
[19:31] Jua Luminos: no cleaning in sl
[19:31] Lludmila Mirrikh: No dust!
[19:31] Symmetry Munro: And no dishes!!!!
[19:31] Lludmila Mirrikh: YAY! (yay!)
[19:31] Symmetry Munro: No ring around the tub!!!
[19:31] Jua Luminos: except the inventory it gets messy
[19:31] Glorfindel Arrow: I can crash my boat and just re-rezz a new one hehe
[19:32] Lludmila Mirrikh: No dying.
[19:32] Symmetry Munro: And no laundry!!!
[19:32] Symmetry Munro: And you can fly!!!
[19:32] You: sometimes I skydive without a parachute
[19:32] Symmetry Munro: And you can float
[19:32] Cache Forster: WooT
[19:32] Glorfindel Arrow: yeah, TP'ing around is cool
[19:33] Lludmila Mirrikh: And crashing.
[19:33] Glorfindel Arrow: if you end some place you don't like, zoom off you go
[19:33] You: and lots of places you can visit that do not exist in rl or that aren't easy to visit in rl
[19:33] Symmetry Munro: That is true
[19:33] Lludmila Mirrikh: Or would be hard to visit (snap)
[19:33] You: I loved seeing the sistine chapel in sl
[19:33] Lludmila Mirrikh: I was just thinking of the sistine!
[19:33] Jua Luminos: sl is good to share cultures
[19:34] Lludmila Mirrikh: And the muscle development (Lludmila looks crookedly at Symm).
[19:34] Jua Luminos: never been to the sistine.
[19:34] Symmetry Munro: I admit that I am a bit impaired in RL...
[19:34] Symmetry Munro: I enjoy being able to do things physically easier than I can in RL
[19:35] You: I can't dance at all in rl
[19:35] Lludmila Mirrikh: We need to test that, Grizz.
[19:35] Symmetry Munro: I've started dancing like my SL avatar in RL :o]
[19:35] You: when I dance I fall over myself
[19:35] Lludmila Mirrikh used to be a tap dancer.
[19:36] You: but really the best thing about sl is the friends
[19:36] Lludmila Mirrikh: YAY! (yay!)
[19:36] Lludmila Mirrikh: friends!
[19:37] Symmetry Munro: APPLAUSE!!!!
[19:37] Symmetry Munro: YAY! (yay!)
[19:37] Jua Luminos: the friends are good in both worlds
[19:37] You: I hope I can meet more sl people in rl
[19:37] Lludmila Mirrikh: I can't relate to many people where I live in RL.
[19:37] Symmetry Munro: Well I certainly do...since I work at home and don't leave the house except every now and then...SL is our social outlet
[19:37] Jua Luminos: my rl friends dont understand sl
[19:37] Cache Forster: there really is a Sistine Chapel...."The Second Life Outpost of Vassar College and home of the Sistine Chapel Re-creation"
[19:38] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yeah, must see. The Sistine Chapel is fabulous.
[19:38] You: and in rl you can't fly up and look at the ceiling
[19:38] Cache Forster: to understand SL you must be able to imagine the unimaginable
[19:39] Glorfindel Arrow: I've heard a lot of people say they can't relate to people where they live, so SL is a social outlet for them....
[19:39] Symmetry Munro: The live music is another good thing...I've really enjoyed myself and I sing in RL :o]
[19:39] You: yeah, my rl friend that I told about sl, I was hoping would have his band come and play here so he could get more fans
[19:40] Jua Luminos: it is cool that someone can play music in rl and sl at the same time
[19:40] Lludmila Mirrikh: SL was a big help to me when I needed a Really Good Escape from RL.
[19:40] You: I've been to concerts here that were going on in both a rl place and in sl
[19:40] You: yeah, sl is good for that too
[19:41] Skye Lewellen: yes me too and it helped me fix rl too
[19:41] Symmetry Munro: And the shopping...oo-la-la And the Freebies! I like the quote "it's like paperdolls for adults"
[19:41] Skye Lewellen: and the Building!!
[19:41] Symmetry Munro: Freebies are great!
[19:41] Symmetry Munro: My resolution for this year is to learn more about building I admire builders I now, like LaDonna, who can whip up virtually anything
[19:42] Lludmila Mirrikh: Yah, I really need to pony up and actually have Lindens.
[19:42] You: yeah, its amazing what people can build
[19:42] Skye Lewellen: lol and i need to pony up and make rl better :)
[19:42] Lludmila Mirrikh: It's amazing what people can accidentally delete.
[19:44] You: I guess the longer amount of time I spend here the more amazing it becomes
[19:44] Skye Lewellen: i'm kinda bored with it right now
[19:44] Lludmila Mirrikh: Not enough time in the day to do everything I want here.
[19:44] Jua Luminos: the technical development is amazing
[19:44] Skye Lewellen: just my friends interest me
[19:44] Jua Luminos: sl becomes more and more real
[19:45] You: I think I'd be bored with it if I didn't have this place.
[19:45] Skye Lewellen: lol i need a HUGE piece of land to make something big :)
[19:45] Glorfindel Arrow: I'm amazed that it works as well as it does....even with the problems
[19:45] You: me too.. I'm glad I don't work for Linden Lab
[19:46] Cache Forster: ya know Grizz...you are kinda my role model...except without the skirt...of coures:)
[19:46] Lludmila Mirrikh: I often think I should be more constructive here, and not just a leech on the system, but I figure it's like seeing things from someone else's point of view in RL ... like the homeless people in our library.
[19:46] Vivian Dharnen: lol
[19:46] You: wow,thanks... I've been told that a couple of times in sl.. but I don't really feel comfortable being called a role model
[19:47] Vivian Dharnen: Yes, I think you are fantastic, Grizzy
[19:47] Lludmila Mirrikh: hee!
[19:47] Skye Lewellen: love ya Grizzy! you've been a fabulous friend:)
[19:47] You: thanks Vivien... I'm really not used to the tremendous popularity
[19:47] Lludmila Mirrikh: You have been very kind.
[19:48] Glorfindel Arrow: yes, don't go changin'....heheheheh
[19:48] You: that's another thing.. SL has helped my self-esteem quite a bit
[19:48] Vivian Dharnen: and sl relationships give me smiles too
[19:49] You: Llud going back to what you said about leeching... I think as long as you are add something to events when you go to them you aren't leeching though I have heartaches too sometimes
[19:49] Lludmila Mirrikh: I can't tell if my SL friends are alcoholics. that's a plus.
[19:49] You: like I really appreciate all the pictures you take.. and events are more fun when you come to them
[19:49] Skye Lewellen: LOL Llud
[19:49] Lludmila Mirrikh gets all misty-eyed.
[19:51] You: I don't know that I have much more to say about this topic unless y'all do
[19:51] Lludmila Mirrikh still wiping away tears.
[19:52] Jua Luminos: it is interesting to hear the view of others in here
[19:52] Skye Lewellen: I'm happy for SL - i have made sooo many mistakes here that i am sooo glad i didn't make in RL!!
[19:52] Lludmila Mirrikh: There you go, SL is like a Draft for RL.
[19:52] Lludmila Mirrikh: You can erase.

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