Sep 04, 2005 22:14
I haven't left the house AT ALL in the last 48 hours besides walking the dogs and riding my bike once.
And the weird thing is, I don't really care. I've been having a lot of fun by myself.
Which makes me creepy, doesn't it? Haha. A party would be nice, let me tell you. But sitting here being in an internet zombie doesn't trouble me as much as you would think.
Yeah so the game was a disaster for Kennewick High, which is to be expected. I personally blame it on the fact that Kennewick high is naturally the "bad guys" and the bad guys never win. I mean look at our colors, for Godssake! Orange and BLACK? It's like Halloween EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN DAY! (Yipee.) It wasn't hard for me to imagine the football thugs as cavemen wearing bear-skin loin cloths as they chased a dead rabbit carcass around a field.
Sorry if I offend but gotta say football is one of the most pointless sports I have ever had to sit through.
And the fans love it. Janet Krupin, who probably expects there to be a throng of paparazzi waiting for her at every appearance (and she's always disappointed), was practically flinging herself off the stands on Friday, rooting for the home team. In fact, all the preppy fanatics were screaming their orange and black hearts out, hoping we'd get the rabbit carcass into the endzone.
I watched it all amusedly from the safety of the band corner.
It's sad how unappreciated we are.
Well that's enough ranting for now! Somebody call me and I can get out of this hellhole for once.