Why doesn't Santa Maria have its own soap opera?

Feb 18, 2004 04:51

Recently, two women who were accused, respectfully, of pimpinmg and prostitution, were convicted, not of those actual acts, but of conpiracy to commit them. Now they are cooperating, apparently in exchange for leniency, in the investigation of the city attorney, who supposedly offered them leniency in return for tape showing that the police chief, who was fired last year and might have cause to sue, was a customer of theirs. It also seems that there are no tapes of anyone, chief or otherwise, that was a lie created as part of a "prosecute us and we open the black book" defense.

Interestingly, the defendants, who are sisters, went to the same high school as me. I was slightly acquanted with the one accused of prostitution. Now given that that was ** years ago, i say, if she can make it as a prostitute, she must have some serious moves!

Add in the fact that we've got the Michael Jackson trial here, and you've got a gold mine for tv writers.
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