So much of my time is taken up with thoughts of what I've eaten or what exercise I'm not doing. That can't be good.
I've actually been feeling pretty crappy in the last week or two. I've had a headache and I've been feeling dizzy. I have ringing in my ears and there's alot of pressure behind my eyes. I'm having difficulty breathing, I've been retaining incredible amts of water, and my vision's been pretty weird... kinda blurry, but only slightly.
I saw a midwife at the birthcenter when the symptoms started and she seemed more interested in how fat I am than in how I feel. Before I saw her, I went to the pharmacy across the street from work and took my bp, because I was worried that these symptoms pointed toward High BP. It wasn't bad, but it was high for me. it was something like 128/73. My bp is usually somewhere around 100/60. Even when I was smoking.
The midwife told me it was too early for pre-eclampsia (which I certainly didn't mind) and began lecturing me about my weight gain. I explained (again) that part of my problem was that I had gained something in the neighborhood of 10 lbs since JUST the day before, and also explained in detail, after being prompted, what I had been eating for the last few days.
nothing outrageous... fruit, all-bran with 2% milk for breakfast, salad, cheese sandwich on wheat, with lettuce and tomato for lunch, yogurt, LOTS of water, meat and veggies for dinner, or sometimes, pizza and the occasional (about once a week) vanilla milkshake or a peice of chocolate or 2 or 3 cookies. I explained that this seemed to indicate water-retention. She rolled her eyes and extolled the virtues of watching my weight during this important time in my baby's life.
I tried to explain that according to my weight, just the day before, I had only gained about 8 lbs since conception, and since I could no-longer do my low-carb diet, I thought this was a positive thing. She, apparently didn't. She told me it was probablly my scale and I need to watch my weight. (I weighed the same on my scale, that day as I did on hers... it wasn't my scale)
Well, the same 10 lbs keep coming and going. The water retention seems to have a mind of it's own. I can't trace it to anything in particular. My blood pressure, on the other hand, went down, after I had been away from work for a few hours. It was down to 110/70. I don't know what the deal is. I just hope I see someone else when I go to the birth center on Thursday, so I can talk about it to someone with a personality. I plan to express my discomfort and waivering trust with them at that time.
So, today I ate a brownie, all-bran, no lunch, a big salad, and 4 raviolis with 3 mini meatballs. I wasn't even hungry for lunch, today. I felt kinda yuck, actually, and I'm starting to get depressed about my weigh-in in a few days.
I finally talked duane into taking a few belly pics. Maybe "guilted him into it" is a more accurate term. I will post them. I do look fat. I look like a whale. No wonder he had to be guilted into it.
Well, enough pity-party for Kris. Sorry, I'll be better tomorrow, I promise.