Jul 19, 2006 16:02
Sorry to bother everyone, but I needed to get the word out. I'm looking for people interested in playing a CSI role playing game that has been hanging around for the last year, Sex, Drugs & CSI's.
We're currently looking for Catherine, Brass, Ecklie, Warrick, Sofia, and anyone interested in Miami and New York characters. We welcome Original Characters, as long as they perform some function and are understandable.
We're a group that focuses on relationships, and lightly on crime, so if you have a particular pairing you have in mind, Straight, Slash, or Femslash, we're open for new ideas. Canon or not, come on out :)
If anyone is interested, please contact me via Yahoo messenger at csisupgilgrissom, the same ID works on AIM as well.
Thanks for your time, this message was cross posted to as many comms as I'm a member of.