Challenge #21 - Season Premiere

Sep 06, 2006 12:52

Ok for this challenge you can use any image with Grissom but it has to be from the first episode from that season. For example, You could pick an image from burked because that's the first episode from season 2.

All seasons are allow, remember your icon must be still, and must featured Grissom in it. You can have another character in your icon but Grissom must be in it.

I've included two caps for each premiere episode underneath the LJ cut, you're free to us them.

If you don't want to feel free to use your own cap. If you're looking for a site with CSI caps I suggest Beyond Imagination.

As always, you have till Sunday at 11 PM EST to get your icons in. Not sure if your icon fits the challenge, don't be afraid to comment and ask.^^

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