Fic off the cuff

Dec 22, 2004 00:39

So, I've been kicking this Gil/Jim bunny around for a while now, and I'm really not sure what to do with it, or even if I SHOULD do anything with it.  I just have this first scene.  Although I've actually worked out a fair bit of this (I do know how our boys got into this situation).  So I finally wrote it down, and thought I'd post it here to see if it got any kind of response.

This is hot off the press and completely un-beta'd (un-anything'd, really), and is subject to change and/or spontaneous burnination.  But if there's interest, I will continue.

Gil Grissom never woke up particularly quickly. There was always a long, hazy state while he figured out what day it was and what he was meant to be doing. But most mornings didn’t feel nearly as hazy as this one. Nor did he often have to try and figure out where he was and how he might have gotten there.

Because this most certainly was not his bed.

And movement next to him meant that whomever it belonged to had decided to share it with him for whatever reason. Too confused to be anything more than vaguely surprised at the situation, he turned his head to see who it was. The person opened his eyes and immediately voiced the thought on Gil’s mind.

“What the hell happened last night?” Jim Brass said.

Grissom opened his mouth, but couldn’t find anything to say. “I was hoping you knew,” he said, after a while. The night was a complete and utter blur. He remembered getting off shift and agreeing to go for a drink with Brass, and then…. “Then” had turned into “now” without Gil quite understanding the transition. Or how said transition had gotten him into Brass’s bed. Naked, into Brass’s bed, he amended.

Jim was evidently coming to some of the same realizations, if that groan was anything to judge by. The man covered his face with his hands, looking like he hoped this would make everything go away.

“You don’t remember anything?” he said from behind his fingers.

“No,” Gil said. “You?”

“No,” Brass said.

A few moments of increasingly awkward silence passed.

“You don’t think that we….” Gil trailed off, gesturing vaguely back and forth between the two of them. It was possibly the first time in his life that he couldn’t bring himself to say what he was thinking.

“Yes. We did,” Brass answered. It looked like he might never take his hands away from his face again.

Gil furrowed his brow. “How do you -”

“Never mind.”


More silence followed.

Gil sighed. “How about I make some breakfast?” he offered, not knowing what else to say.

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