Jan 04, 2005 21:57
... and that's not okay. Worst week EVER. French flipping fashion show. Teaching flipping class flipping french. Writing a flipping french flipping report about flipping fashion show. Next week: three flipping french exams. WHY? WHY? Why must I talk like zish? ARGGG!!!
On the positive side, I got my other Blind Guardian CD today. -snuggles "A Night At the Opera"- Also, guitar lessons were surprisingly enjoyable. I love Marc. He's nice and cool and talented... and he likes Blind Guardian too. Glee! I (heart) my guitar now.
On the negative side, I now have to get up 40 minutes earlier than usual. 'Cause the people who usually give me a ride suck. Not only that, but my friend is also making me get his bloody homework. Gragh.... I kill.
Call out to my friend Janine... thanks for poking Aims for me. It's nice to know that she actually has SOMETHING done. *glares at Amy* And while she is not one of the vampires, I think she is drawing a couple of the ones I/we came up with. Horjay Thomas. Horjay not named vampire. -makes slurping noises... for no particular reason- Also, if you can, let's see if we can all get together on the weekend. I miss ya. I <3 you.