Better late than never: Supernatural season 7

May 26, 2012 13:17

Hey Gang,
So, I'm really behind the times here. But does anyone on my flist want to talk about Supernatural Season 7? I just watched the last six episodes in two days or so and would be interested to hear what you guys think!

So, I'll just say that I'm totally interested to see where Season 8 goes. I've always LOVED the idea of the boys being separated and having to find their way back to each other. I just hope that it doesn't take all season for them to be reunited.

Honestly, my memory of Season 7 is not that great considering everything that happened in the past 6 months, but I'll say that I liked a lot of it and I hated a lot of it.

I didn't mind the whole Dick Roman plotline. I thought it was kind of interesting take on the whole monster vs humans trope. I mean, turning people into cattle, much in the way that our modern food industry has with animals is a new take on it. I liked this the same way that I like Crowley and his love of order and finer things, despite being the "king of hell".

Really glad they brought back Cas. I actually LOVE this kind of damaged, faux-peaceful, "let's follow the bees" crazy Castiel. I was never a rabid Cas fan (IMHO, the show runners saw his popularity and forced him in as a series regular when the very nature of the show didn't support it) but I always liked the idea of Angels vs Demons and Castiel is a great character. So glad they went a different direction with him for Season 7.

What did bother me was the horrible history the show now has to deal with-- the angel wars, Meg, stuff about Prophets-- it's hard to keep straight-- Sam and Dean having died so many times that I had a hard time sympathizing with them when Bobby told them that "when their time comes" to stay dead. Both of them have no understanding of what this truly means, even with the loss of their mother and father, since they've both died-- Dean more than other other character on tv I bet!

Bobby. This one hurt. I can't believe they killed Bobby. I hate that Supernatural does this, that they kill off all their recurring characters. I yearn for the days with Bobby and the Harvelle's-- even Jo-- who most fans hated because she threatened to win Dean-- I liked her character as a complicated little sister, trying to prove she's like her dad, like the boys. Ellen was amazing, still mad that they let her go too.

Also-- this season was SO GROSS! VFX must have gotten cheaper because the squick factor is at an all time high.

Anyway, What did you guys think? Remind me of things I'm forgetting from Season 7! Are you excited to see what happens with the Boys next? Hope to be hearing from you.

supernatural, discussion

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