I haven't posted any art in forever, so I thought it was about time. It's not SPN, though (that's coming)-- it's new for me-- John and Paul.
I sketched this in 10 minutes and threw some color down in photoshop in another 10. The nit picker in me wanted to move things around and paint in all the details and fix it and make them look more "like them", but that would void the point. I've been trying to work on stylizing my drawings. Not necessarily caricature, but to find a drawing style that more closely resembles what I imagine (versus what I actually see). It's not quite there yet. :/
Photo from
The Beatle Photo Blog, drawing on leftover wrapping paper scrap with graphite and photoshop tone.
ETA: I guess I should mention that 10 minutes is totally not typical for me-- that I surprised myself with how quickly I was able to get this out. So, yeah, normally, it takes me 10 hours to do this kinda stuff.