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grisclair May 30 2012, 17:52:26 UTC
lmao yeah fanfiction writers tend to be incredibly verbose (and often eloquent) people with a lot of THOUGHTS and FEELINGS so it's no surprise that there's so much meta and discussion to it, really. I started rly young, too! I guess that's why I was pretty much jumping head-first into everything without much thought. RPF just seemed a natural step for me.

mhmm yeah I thought about the closeted homosexual issue in Korea, too. but really, I think fandom's slash shipping tendencies have nothing to do with the subject's sexual preferences. it doesn't matter if the idol is straight or gay or closeted, this is one thing that fandom doesn't need much (if at all) canon basis for. i believe some of the many reasons why we choose to write slash instead of gen or het fics have been listed above lol. society's obsession with romance is also a primary reason why it's slash and not gen bromance. life is boring without love and sex! or something. as for the matter of whether it is violation to write slash fic about closeted people, well, we could make the same case for violation of privacy re: writing any RPF at all? i think all written text has a possibility of offending or hurting some people, some higher than others. we just have to take personal responsibility for what we write and decide whether we want to write it. it also comes down to the question, how would fandom know if a person was closeted?? this, again, is an assumption.

ahh that quote you posted is a really good point as well, yeah. for some people, especially writers of the 3rd RPF type, it really is the glimpses of "reality" behind the persona that make it interesting, so we take these snippets of "reality" and turn them into our headcanon. but once again, as i mentioned, this is incredibly choppy and unreliable still.


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