My holiday

Aug 17, 2009 21:27

*sigh* Well, everithing is okey now. :)
I'm sittin in my bed, and write this journual 8D

I pass into "design and costume" class... My first day will be in Sept.1th. I'm waitin it, but I'm afraid of too... :/ No prob.

My boyfriend layin down at my right side in my bed. All day We playin with Jazz Jack Rabit2 and we enjoyin it, rly. :P (At the moment He's watching Bleach anime in TV)
I was  with him at Balatonsóstó. It was little holiday what we spend together... :) 
Its not the start..oh-noh :D  I went to Oliver at (august.8th) Saturday...I like travellin with train, but now in the cabine was 25-30 little children O___O They were totally noisy and stupidity. (But it was totally good reason for talkin :D I like talking sometime with other people who travellin with me :) hehe. Now I "got" one woman who was 30-40 years old...I knowed she have 2 daughter the older maybe 20-21 years old, and the younger like as me. )
I arriwed at night in Nyugati station...and after went with Oli :3. Next day We went to Campona and Spar...:P We had to bought some stuff for the travelling and the dinner 8D. My Oliver made BURRITO 83 It was totally delicious mmmm~~~~ We took the last one for his brother. (He was at his workplace, so we walked 30-35 mins ) We got one energy drink from Kornél (Oli's bro), and we went to home....
Next day we went to Déli station, because the train starting from there. We travelled 2hours and 40 mins O___o ...and when we arrived, had to walking 30 mins to house what we got for those days.
Mkay, the house was totally nice. :) Many room, cool, clean etc. (Okey, there was some old food n others, but it was all problem).
Late afternoon we walked to the Balaton, and we went there with clothes 8D The water was okey, and we enjoyed it. :) Next day, we went again at late afternoon, but now we went in the clothes. :P So my Olivers mobile phone is died because of the water XDDD... LOLLIES.
Next day we were in Balaton again, but now in swimmsuit :P...oh well. XD 
Next day was the last....Originally the plan was : The man and the woman (who are the Kati's parent...-Kati is my boy's colleague bla-blah ) comin 10am, and anything will be tootally okey.... -.-
12:30pm Oliver tried to call her, because we didn't know whats happaned with ....O____o  :  Kati tried call Oli earlier, but you know, his phone is died :P so... We simply was idiotly. Mkay.
The weather was f*ckin hot, and the road was toooooo long.. We had to wait for the train 1 - 1/2 hour after we travelled with it 3-4 hours...oh...mah..gawd. :/
We were at Oli's house simply one day, and after we came there....:)  And now we 're here.
Actually we didnt do anything....playing Jazz Jack Rabbit, watching South Park (I like it :P) .
Oh-oh, wait...

I got one phone 2 days ago (if I remember right) at 3:27 am....-.- It was "intresting" O___o some idiot (maybe 2?) shout'd like as cats, or idiot young girls....I dunno what they told, but when they finished just put down. - I give the phone for Oli, and he laugh hard

Actually I got rental photo-machine again(the NIKON D70s), so I'll go to Szeged zoo. :) muhuhu~

photography, oli, phone, holiday, Balatonsóstó

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