piercing 8D

Jun 30, 2009 06:39


I'm at Oli's house.... He's at his worksplace at the moment. So...I'm alone D: (with his family, just the others sleeping) I'm little confused, because he isn't here, but I am... :D  I was here before but...not alone. My day will be looong I think...Oo

I came 2 days ago with my dad to my sister's collage. Originally the plan was:
My dad come with me, takes my sister home and I will be here, I meet with friends after go 'Diósd' to my Oli.
We came, my sister give her stuffs, clothes, books etc. but she wanted to stay some plus day. Mmmmm'kay, my dad go, after we went to the shop to buy some stuff because I wanted cook for her. :D 
I cooked the tomato-pasta stuff, but it was...'iiiintresting' because....well...
At one collage, where girls not rly cooking you will not find any pot...so...we was creativ XD
I had one plan: I will meet with Beni, after Gyula, and anything will be awesome.
Well... I didn't meet with Beni (sadly), but when I go home, he will come to the station and give to me his stuffs. :) ( I mean: fur, foam, etc. because I will re-build his fursuit head :D I'M TOTALLY EXCITED about it <3 )
After when we eat what I did, my sister wanted to lay down a little... (so we slept), but I simply 20 minutes, because I got phone from Gyu.
I let in him, and we sat at the collage's aula and talk. :) I lllllove talk with this guy. (Well... who don't like talk with own best-friend???) I got one picture postcard from him , (hah, he bought to me this stuff when he was at his girlfriend at Gernany) and I give T-shirt what I did for him some years (!!) ago! :P 
He came with me to ' Etele square' because my bus comes from there, and his too, (plus my Oliver told to him this because I need bodyguard... :D my oli simply fear for me. :P sometime too much, but its okey from him. :)....) 
Anyway, I arrive Diósd...I wait him front of his workplace ...
looong day 8D

We went to Érd... AAAAAAaaaaaand
I have piercing 8D
We went one tattoo-piercing shop, because I like one looong time ago, and now I feel'd the time is now. :P 
MMmmaybe, ist too "down" in my lips, so I will do one other... :P (Because I like ring in my lip, but actually I cannot take this on).
I like this stuff soooo much <3 (not hurt , rly, ...mmkay, actually little, but I will go to the kitchen and I have to chillin it with ice or anything  x__X )

I will go home next week monday.... :C
Will be hard, becuse I wll go prelim X____X .... (I will one 'photography' and one 'scene and costume'  awesome.) after on this day I will go with my dad to 'Lakitelek', because we will go to 'Simson motorbyke meeting' :D ROLFMAO XD 
my summer will be good, i think/hope ^^

oli, gyu, piercing, simson

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