Aug 31, 2007 11:49
Files upon files of encrypted data are layered within hidden folders on my computer. Many are secure chat sessions with Kbaby79 and other demented people like that. Also there are some from Ubiquitous. These range from suicidal rants to declarations of love. I survived daily purly based on adding to these folders whenever I could. After the drudgingly dull bookshelf stacking and latte sipping, I needed to unwind. I needed people who understood just how difficult it was to deal with everything. I needed to know that it was OK to not see anyone, yet still confide in them.
Kbaby79: Make it simple, I would probably overdose on percocet and vodka. Nothing beats meeting Charon with a buzz, I am almost certain!
Me: I think suicide has to be something unique. Why not do something different? Make some poison jello shots and go out dancing at some techno club downtown. Start grinding with someone, then shit yourself and collapse on their face. Happy New Year!
Kbaby79: Ha! You are ridiculous!
These sorts of conversations were the norm. We talked about death, dying, morons, and probably a combination of that. Not like the run of the mill normal conversations that infect daily encounters outside. Who cares about your day? Who wants to hear how many loads of laundry or what time you have to pick up John from daycare? Leave that shit to the PDA and some online journal.
Ubiquitous was the other website partner. We have an annonymous server that contains all of the website's soul. Our site was a social critique mainly. But that was only the superficial side of it. You could download anything, and see anything from any site normally necessitating a fee for no charge. You just had to be smart enough to crack the code, and be a member of our forum. Once you did that, it was simple. And the code wasn't too tough. An IQ above the average idiot would be sufficient for most people to get it.
The plan was simple. I was supposed to drive my car to the gas station just outside of town every third Wednesday so we could exchange data. The reason it was so important to do it directly was so our site could continue to function without landing our IP server address. Our site wasn't as clean as it seemed. Hidden links were strewn all through the background. These sent you to Chinese porn and hidden voyeurs to other fetish stylings. Our site was far more than a social critique of why popcorn warnings directly violated Darwinism.
We would wear masks and black shirts and pants. Gloves were a must, and nobody could directly touch any of the hardware used for data transfer. Without these precautions, who could guarantee either of us wouldn't turn each other in? This has been the protocol for 3 years now. The guys before us that we inherited the site from actually lived in Norway, and I couldn't tell you anything else about them. Maybe even that was false, since they could reflect their IP so it looked like it came from there. They were very precise.
This site allowed our community to do whatever they wanted. Most of them just had to have the latest CD or movie. The upper crust were more into fraudulent behaviors, such as credit card scams and mock auction sites. They made money, but we made even more. Each click that we get roughly gave us 3 cents into a paypal account. Doesn't sound like much, but if you get a few thousdand a day, it added up.
We were featuring a Pauly Shore flame session on our weekly Friday Flame Short section. Kbaby79 would typically start them off. She had a magical charisma to her. She could mold an entire message board to whatever side she wished. If she had even half of this charm in person, she could have been an ambassador or something.
Kbaby79: Pauly practically was the 90's version of cool. He was in BioDome and Encino Man. Surly nobody could contend that he established at least three mainstream dialects.
COARSEGOD: Infidel!! Why woulds't you fancy a Pauly dart board? I would bullseye that more than Tommy bullseyed Pam. Of course I would really use darts.
Kbaby79: Must all men, which I assume you are, bring pwn'ing somebody to the likeness of fucking them? It's far more humiliating to tell Pauly's mother she needs to write us all an apology letter for not being on birth control in the 60s than to repeatedly use sexual analogies to denote how badly you would burn him. Duyeee!!
DevilChar: Heh. Dear people. Sorry about that whole mixup where everyone thought he was cool. I will take you all out to Cold Stone soon. Cheers, Mrs Shore.
COURSEGOD: Addendum. Also I owe you all BJ's since Pauly sucked so bad. HA. J/K.
The site was always dear to me. I always felt it was better than adopting a child. I was the moderator for 2 years before the site became mine and Ubiquitous'. I always loved banning idiots who violated the rules. There really weren't many rules either. Basically, you couldn't directly ask for anything. And you couldn't directly answer anyone when it came to specific things. You could only infer. Otherwise it was all satire. Much of the satire was code for questions that users had about different utilities or patchs and the such.
Around six in the morning, I would close down the portal and let the autoware do the housecleaning for me. Even I needed to attempt sleep when I could. Besides, I barely needed to be coherant for the bookstore, and barely less to get there in this town. It was only a matter of time, before I could gather enough evidence that proved autopilot did exist in my brain. It was a great feature, which allowed me to not be present as much as possible as I did mundane things. I haven't perfected it, but it was a work in progress.
severed head,
short story,