May 19, 2009 11:58
Time to embrace the inner fangirl:
How I Met Your Mother's season finale was last night and it was legen-wait for it-dary! Oh, Barney, how I love thee...
Basically, all that matters is Barney and Robin are getting increasingly closer to being an official couple. I was so pissed at Robin when she kept Mosbeying Barney into falling out of love with her, but the season in the hospital room made up for all of it. Basically, I wish NPH was remotely attainable and not a) way too famous, b) way too old, and c) way too hopelessly gay. Alas. He was just so good, though, with every scene delivered perfectly. Like in the beginning when he's like "The suit is Robin." And then his whole spiel about how he wants the trouble of being in a relationship. Really, all I needed to cap off the episode was Future!Ted remarking about how their still together or something...I need confirmation that this is for the long haul.
And even though it seems so exceptionally secondary to the BroTP plot, I was excited to see Ted finally moving on in his life. And the epic showdown with the goat was classic; loved the hoof print bruise. And I enjoyed the revisiting of running jokes like with Sven and their dinosaur building.
And, oh, man, the look on Marshall's face when Lily told him she was pregnant...and then they just twisted it and played it off...hilarious. Which speaking of, I loved how they still had to use all their tricks to hide Alyson Hannigan's stomach, like how she kept hold of the "31" sign at the party, then with the giant bowl at the end...and you could clearly tell they used a stunt double for the jumping scene. Hilarious.
God, I love this show...I don't know how I'm gonna make it until September or October, whenever the next season returns...
In other news, I graduated college Sunday, but more on that later.