Oct 30, 2009 22:07
[Vesplume Tower is currently closed for repairs. Why, you ask? Because that terrible blasphemy of a ride, with its fake Order of Chains and Leonid in all their glory, has been thoroughly trashed. A tempest of two (or more?) has flown through the ride, and been summarily carted off to the Brooding Zone.
Satisfied but resigned to his fate, Sigmund is sitting his time-out quietly. Edward is likely at his side, and others are welcome to have joined in the Liberation Farce's last stand against the Malnossoan Order of Chains. Passers by may think he's out of place, but he's certainly earned his punishment. Not that he cares.]
this time there was just one group,
ride over... until they fix it,
"damn we messed up",
a bff is with you in the cell,
go go liberator,
a liberator's job is never done,
a friend bails you out of jail,
liberation farce,
i'll get you back evil boss,
hating leonid forever