The girl always was a flighty one, depending on which part of her you were talkin' to at the moment. Looks like she forgot to pass on the message before joining the ranks of the long gone.
What is there to be arranged? I suppose you're one of them. If you wish for me to join your ranks like she did before you, I have already said that I have no wish to join those who do nothing but write riddles.
All the same: be careful what you wish for, chief.
I wish for nothing but an end to this meaningless slog day after day.
We'll see what can be arranged, barkeep.
What is there to be arranged? I suppose you're one of them. If you wish for me to join your ranks like she did before you, I have already said that I have no wish to join those who do nothing but write riddles.
You said you didn't want to join, didn't ya? I'm thinking something more along the lines of the desires you just expressed.
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