May 22, 2008 08:26
I finished the sheath, did I say? I also saw a scarlet tanninger this morning at the tail end of breakfast.
I know I sat down to write something else important and exciting, but I'm on hold with the bank and so totally can't remember any thing except that their hold music is fairly inoffensive.
Ha. There. Cheques ordered. That was...curiously more difficult than I anticipated, but at least I remembered what the devil I was so excited about yesterday.
I finished that corset, the pattern for which I drafted for myself? It fit *perfectly*. And I do mean dead on perfect. I did a happy fox dance and romped about the house all excited like for a good ten minutes. Ethan will laugh; by the time he gets back, I should have this one finished enough for him to lend a hand with lacing (I intend to work on the decorative hardware, which is discussed later, in dribs and drabs). I used a flexible lacing bone, so it actually follows the curve of my spine and over my bum somewhat (while being miraculously supportive...inventive wankers, corset part makers!), instead of cutting straight down in a way that I find faintly uncomfortable after five or six hours. I'll reserve those for special requests (such as Caitlin's, who said she has an unfairly small waist compared to the boobs and hips [foo], so I mentioned that maybe this would dig in less, and she said oooooh), and you know, for when I get a wild hair and decide that I need to make another for me to wear. 'cause you can never have enough. >.>
Also, I want to decorate the newest piece with grommets and rivets and was wondering what sort of pattern to do that in. I figured vine-like. Actually, originally, I wanted to do something Maori, but I couldn't find anything that pleased me. I'll sew up the body and put in the casings (this one won't be lined, because that, too, is too big a pain in the ass to do on suede pieces unless it's specifically requested, and I don't recall asking myself to do that to myself again, 'cause Self? I really adore that!...or not) and then draw in chalk on the inside my vine pattern. Ultimately, I might even get leaf beads and attach those in some places. It would make a bit more sense if I'd cleverly used green instead of my navy scraps, so I might leave this one as a suggestion of water more than deliberately leaf-bearing-vine thingies. Also, if anyone has any images to suggest, feel free to let me know. Halliday (I'm referring to my multitudinous Matts by their last names, so people stop getting confused) offered up a few that I am considering, although might need to make a carving-corset with instead, due to their complexity. I could do cut-throughs in that, too, I suppose, but would need to consider carefully the buckling issues that I've seen. Maybe to rivet bones to the inside of such a piece might not be a bad plan. I also want to make a sea-monster; I might get Noel (if I can get ahold of her) to embroider that on a jerkin or a vest or something. A kraken's tentacles dripping over the shoulders with the bulk of the beastie splayed on the back. times, yes? We'll see. That would involve a response from the lovely her, though, which would involve me finding contact information for her so I could ask, instead of speculating about it in my el-jay. I made a new run of jerkins, too. They're fancy and almost-done-ish and everything!
Anyway, after the happy fox dance had abated a bit, Gary showed up and said, "Gee, you look happy. What's up?" We had a good shoot; some neat panoramic stuff involving my photographic neutral gray couch, which is secretly blue, but I'd be willing to bet he didn't declare me white or it totally neutral gray. Those should be really neat. We were going to do some work outside, but it was first heinously buggy and then raining and cold; as Gary works with large format film, we decided maybe rain wasn't the smartest move ever. We got a shot or two of Saavik (the Queen) and Blaise (the dog) was occupying the couch for a bit during the shoot, so we just sucked him right on into the portrait like we meant that. Those should also be cute. My family also politely stayed out getting groceries far in excess of the usual amount of time that takes. Da's into photography and while I would like to encourage him, I find it impossible to work while he's telling stories; he's a distracting fellow, not necessarily for me, as I live with him and he doesn't seem offended when I don't give him my undivided attention (which isn't something I possess in any event, which is possibly why he doesn't get offended), but people visiting the house feel manners-compelled to stop whatever they're doing and listen utterly. The man tells neat stories, but as I said, that does make it difficult to work. AND I got an official passport-shaped photo to take. I'm still going to take Ade's in (he said I could screw with it to my heart's content) and I'll let the lady at the Office of Official Shit decide which will go over better. And, just in case she's insane and hates them all, I'll put on The Face (involving War Paint and my least devour-your-soul type of smile) Jason says he wants to shoot again soon and I just got a ping from Live Books who apparently do art books for teaching purposes; they, too, want to pay me, so that could be quite cool. Apparently they've got a new camera toy they want to play with and thought, with my lighting-background, I'd be the perfect person to bring to such a shoot. Isn't that charming? There's also a fellow in Burlington who's talking about steady work until at least October, which is the point at which we'd need a studio anyway. He wants to do some antiqued stuff, Victoriana, which should be loads of fun. I'm going to send him links to things I wish I had for such a shoot and see what happens ;)
That's about all for now. You're probably quite tired of reading, aren't you? Go on, it's okay. I'll babble more soon. You know, like about the book Gary wants to do, and about Brian and the octopus
/do {skipoffgiggling};
leather stuff,