Our friend Arnaud is visiting from France for the next week. I haven't seen him in four years, and it's good to catch up. He arrived late yesterday, and after he went to sleep, I stayed up later because a friend wasn't doing well. (Sadly, said friend will be spending a couple of days in a psych ward--let's hope it's a short stay.) Anyway, I slept late.
Today, we lazed about, watching some Monty Python episodes. This evening, we went over to UMass and watched the Amherst fireworks, which were lovely. After a bite at the diner, we went to Friday Night Rewind (thanks to
sundart for getting us tickets) to 1996's tour de farce
Independence Day. I didn't remember the details very well, but it certainly punished me for knowing things as much as I recalled, and the story was full of ridiculous and unlikely coincidences. And bad acting, too. However, Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Judd Hirsch were lots of fun, and watching this cheese-puff patriotism was greatly improved by the rewind crowd, who had seen it before and helped coat the stupidest bits with irony to ease them down my throat. Best part of the screening: a tie between
kjpepper stripping the H, the N and A from a HANCOCK visor; and trading snarky comments with reigning Pioneer Valley Queen of Snark,
sydneycat. Hurray! Tomorrow, I'll take Arnaud to game night at the store, and next week, we'll go camping and hiking for a couple of days. And next weekend, we'll throw a little birthday party for my mom. Ah, it's nice to have a few days off in a row.
ETA: Today, for the first time since she joined our pride, Tilda caught a mouse and brought it inside. Then, an hour later, she caught another one. I don't know what's up with that, but I hope she doesn't keep bringing them inside.