Yesterday M and I went back to Andover and celebrated the holiday with my family and hers together at the LANAM club. It was all buffet style this year, and it created a relaxed atmosphere that made it the best Thanksgiving meal in many years. It didn't hurt that we got there on time, for once.
Afterwards, I watched most of 2001 with my brother. He's got hi-def TV and an HD-DVD player, so the picture quality was state of the art, and better than it could have been in earlier decades, and Kubrick's genius really stood out. The film looks fabulous--flawless, in fact. Everything was done without CGI, of course, and it looks better than almost any film I have ever seen, better than many state of the art movies of much more recent vintage. There were little touches, like people moving within distant windows, that are still tough to do today, and which Star Trek, for example, couldn't afford to do 20 years ago, yet Kubrick did it 20 years before that.
I like going on trips with M. It was great to chat in the car, brainstorm about fic she's writing, start to plot for Xmas, etc. Also, we listened to about an hour of Pratchett's latest book, Making Money on CD.
Right, bed time.
ETA: I should make a list and count them, but I have read a number of books lately, and I think I should have no trouble making the 50 book challenge, if I haven't already. Since the trip to Vancouver, I have read the Undercover Economist, Pattern Recognition (by William Gibson), The Tipping Point, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Black Dossier, and started Cloud Atlas. I have also read a bunch of comics. Right, now bed, for real. Must work tomorrow morning, and then there's RAZOR tomorrow night.
Oh, yes:
I'm famous.
Well, slightly.