Jul 27, 2004 00:06
so here i am on vacation and im on the internet...lame?...i thought so oh well...its midnight and i cant sleep...so whats all ...as all im mean the two people that actaully read this and not even that but oh well its chill... so its been a great couple of weeks...ive had alot of fun...summer camp was fun... the pranks that we pulled were great we messed alot with the freshman... but i have to say that i love those little guys even if they do think that i am some crazy violent senior...which im not most of the time.
so im in tahoe and tomorrow we're...my fam and i are renting jet skies...its so fun i cant express the words about how fun it is the only thing that i would rather do....well the only two things would be fishing of course... and the second would be with that special some one...hmm... but oh well you know how it goes... right?....so im giving a sermon the 22nd of august.... cant wait for that...im talking about Jonah...such anmazing book and story but i wont bore you with that...ill be typing for ever...i mean FOREVER...but anyways im excited... for alot of things the main thing though...is alysa is coming home tomorrow...but i wont be home for awile...like two weeks but maybe something will happen while im here i dont know but i think im going to write some e-mails...or maybe just one...i dont really just dont know... but im out. later.