It's not even apartment hunting anymore. It's really pretty much about the one place.
I thought I'd know about the apartment early in the week. When I contacted them in the middle of the week, they said I'd know sometime over this weekend, or early next week.
While through email, I politely thanked them for the heads up, internally I flail and go, "RARGH! I wanna know now!" then throw a pointless little tantrum.
I doubt it was intentional, but among the forwarding and replies that is the tangled web of communication between the landlords (a married couple and the wife's sister), this bit popped up. I'm not sure I was meant to see it, but, hey. I see it now.
[Landlord I haven't met],
I just got this from Erin, the girl that filled out the application the other day and I e-mailed it to you. I guess she real interested in the apartment.
[Landlord I met]
And, attached was my nicely worded, polite version of "Can I has apartment?" mid-week pestering.
Yes. Interested. Crazy interested. Like a fiend, interested.
So, comics I'm excited about:
Incognito. Brandon, since you loved Sleeper, you would love this. Same creative team, doing superpowers again. A super villain goes into something like the Witness Protection Program. Gets depowered, takes a mild mannered, dull life, and gets bored sick of it. Gets some power back, and kind of unintentionally does a good deed. For a first issue, it's got a lot of story, a lot of information. Which is entirely refreshing as the comic world becomes all too geared towards the inevitable TPB. Far too many first issues are weak on their own.
Secret Six consistently keeps me happy. It had a tie-in issue with that Faces of Evil crap, but it wasn't too heavy handed. The shift in narration between Bane and Deadshot was a little awkward. Narration is a delicate thing, and if the narrator isn't any good, I'd prefer him to shut up and let me draw my own conclusions from a story. TWO narrators just doubles your chances of annoying me. (Maybe it's for the best I don't read
Superman Batman) The whole theme of Faces of Evil is focusing on villains. But, well... that's kinda lame in a book about a team of B list (and lower) villains. "Let's focus on the villains that already have the spotlight!!"
Fables. Lots of people were itching to jump ship when it hit the 75 issue mark, and finished the huge war for the homelands that had been the central plot to the series up to that point. The author even addressed that in the most recent tpb, saying he'll keep writing, because he's not done yet. I'm game for it. For another 75 issues, if he stays this good. I'm not saying the series has been spotless. It's had weak points, sure. But, as a retailer I have to admire how well it sells, and as a reader I enjoy that, ups and downs, it's averaged out to a good comic.
Speaking of indefinitely long Vertigo comics, Peter Milligan is about to start a story arc of Hellblazer. Granted, I haven't really been reading his recent stuff. But I adored his Shade the Changing Man, and several of his other Vertigo works. I have hope for this. Hellblazer could benefit from another Renaissance of good writing, hopefully paired with good art.
Alas, the Jason Aaron run on the series was not long enough.
I'm also in love with Eric Powell's art. I'm hoping/waiting/praying for his run on Action comics to be put in a softcover sometime soon. His creator-owned series, the Goon, is hilarious. Violent, funny, but dramatic and horrific when needed. And his art... Powell can do realistic and cartoony, even in the same panel, and it's always amazing. A lot of it is his coloring style. His line art is good, but his painted look really shows off his talent. Can I drool about Powell some more?
The guy also has a pretty awesome sense of humor. His "live" interview at the retailer convention (ie, a video that had timed pauses during which the Dark Horse rep asked him questions) was hilarious. It was infinitely less obnoxious than Bendis and the Marvel guys getting on stage and screaming about their self-hyped ideas. "It's awesome because we say it's awesome, and you have to buy twenty zillion copies, but we can't tell you why you'd want this book, but trust us, would we lie to you? IT'LL BE BIG." (The omg-it'll-be-big event was the rather spontaneous death of Wasp, btw, which rose a few 'wtf?' and was forgotten).