Over the past two years I have not had the kind of contact with my lifelong friends that I would like to have had. Here's a summary of why:
August 2003 - quit/lost my job as colon hydrotherapist/office manager to open my own colon therapy business (how California).
September 2003 - opened the business (
My Homepage) and started 14 weeks of massage school, 16 hours a week.
November 2003 - spent 2 4-day weekends in Palm Springs working as colon therapist at a Tony Robbins seminar, spent 10 days in MA with my family.
December 2003 - spent 8 days in Indiana with Tanya's family. Came down with a terrible flu December 24th, flew home the 27th, the day Tanya got it. She developed pneumonia, which lasted until the end of
January 2004 - cared for Tanya, worked, stuff.
February 2004 - can't exactly remember, but I know STUFF happened.
March 2004 - My parents and their dog arrived in an RV. Weekend trips to Palm Springs and Pismo Beach.
April 2004 - more time with my parents, and a trip to Austin for Chandler Collins's wedding, while my parents and Tanya entertained each other.
May 2004 - 5 day major whole body cleanse with herbs, body work, emotional processing, fasting, colonics and lots of sleep. Beginning of househunting.
June 2004 - closed on a mobile home (what we chose to afford) the 21st. Spent the next 17 days into
July 2004 - painting, ripping up carpet from 1974, ripping out counters and sinks, putting down linoleum, and of course working. Oh, and moving in over a 100+ degree weekend. The Sunday we finished the move, we drove to LA and picked up Tanya's 17 year old sister, who spent the next three weeks with us. (see our house, unfinished
here. More pictures...sometime.)
August 2004 - planned, unplanned, and replanned a wedding. September 2004 - Got married and had some semblence of a honeymoon in NH.
October 2004 - nothing of note except housesitting in hell for 5 days (see October entries for details)
November 2004 - Open house/CA wedding reception mid-month, following mad unpacking.
December 2004 - Christmas prep and Tanya's mom and two sisters arrive to stay with us for 6 days at Christmas. My parents also arrived in their trusty RV and my brother flew in for 6 days too. My parents stayed through mid-February.
January 2005 - Tanya has round 2 of pneumonia, I have round two of terrible flu. My parents try to escape the germs and rain in Palm Springs.
January 30th, a client of mine died, someone I'd worked with for over a year as he battled cancer. February 1, my birthday, a friend died completely unexpectedly of an anneurism in the brain. 48 years old. Her mate, another m-to-f TG, fell apart in my living room and stayed there for over a week. After several weeks of supporting her, we finally had to tell her to back off. My parents left for home mid-February.
I house sat in hell again in March, this time for 15 days.
The last few weeks have been relatively laid back. I knew that my year plus had been busy but I am only now realizing how exhausted I am and how hard it is for me to relax. I'm working on it. What an oxymoron. Honestly, just typing this up has kinda worked up my adrenaline.
I'm doing well on the whole. I am trying at this point to find balance. To go back to a decent diet from my descent into Dominos hell. To have time for friends and some creative time. To enjoy my work and to move to the next level (training in nutrition?) without totally overcommiting. To spend time with my wife, who is suddenly balancing two part time jobs and trying to launch her own business
Topa Topa Tech. Yikes. To get my website up, get my taxes done, and still have time to hike and make a pair of earrings here and there. I don't have time to actually do anything - I am too busy doing the dishes from the dinner party I had this weekend and making my "to do" list. I'd really like life to look simpler, so I'm working on that. Imagine it being work to simplify. what a crazy world.
Anyway, lots of good stuff but I kinda need a vacation! Next big thing on the list is going out to Indiana to T's sister Amanda's high school graduation. Most of her family members have not graduated high school, so this is huge. We were hoping to take her on a major trip but just can't afford it. I was invited to go work at a Tony Robbins seminar in Scotland for two months this summer but will decline the offer. I just can't be away and unbalanced that long, no matter how appealing the venue. I will, however, go work with them in Palm Springs for 3 weeks in August.
Any tips on coming down after this kind of chaotic high?
PS - other music on the playlist includes "Danger" by Electric 6. One of the funniest videos I've ever seen.