Sep 21, 2006 04:09
4 am, my sleeping sechdule is all fucked up, but what else is new.
Hmm, I think today I'll call Gap and tell them to sechdule me an interview, however I know I won't get the job, but hey, it will be something to do for a bit.
I need to find a job soon, it's starting to become a problem. My friend Mike says they're hireing bus boys at Lips, the drag bar in North Park (now that it moved) I might apply.... However I have no idea how I will react to working with dragqueens. Either I'll play up my cute and innocent nice naive guy card, or it will be an all out bitch fight. So that's probably not a great idea.
I doubt I'll hear from Starbucks today, at least that Starbucks, because I was late, so they can suck it and I'll probably apply at others in the future. Just cause. I don't even think I want to work at Starbucks. HA. I like to use periods. Why?. because I'm bored. That's why!.
Don't judge me.
I said.
Don't Judge me.
okay, I'm a little too bored. Clearly there is nothing to write about. So I will seize and desist!.
Ha, I'd apply to do law enforcement, however I feel my friends would be less than supportive, something along the lines of it being scary me having a gun, or something liek that. I suppose it's my fault, I'm never serious around them, so there really isn't any reason for them to take me seriously. We'll see. FBI is always something I've been interested in, or CIA. However I don't know if I have the stuff. but I don't want to be a cop. Ha, I'd rather be a "spook."
blah, I'm done writting.