Drabble/Short Story Requests

Oct 24, 2007 13:50

((Not sure if this is allowed -- it's fic related so I thought I'd go for it, but if it's not okay, feel free to delete it.))

Hey guys:

I'm dying for some new Grindeldore. I scoped all through the archives here, and even tried checking a few other places, and now I've thrown my hands up in the air. It's time to come to terms with it -- I am freakishly addicted to this pairing.

So, since I can't find much new to read, I thought I would write something of my own. The problem? I have a migraine, and so coming up with unprompted ideas is difficult. This is where you guys can help me:

The first fifteen people to leave a comment with a prompt idea (word, quote, image, scenario, etc) will get a drabble/short written for them. Thanks, guys, and I can't wait to see your ideas!


ETA: You guys have such great ideas! Some of these have triggered a brain explosion of fun. ^^

fic talk

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