ficlet: "A Matter of Perception"

Apr 10, 2009 14:10

title: A Matter of Perception
word count: 164
A/N: very short ficlet, no real plot, ideas only
disclaimer: I don't make money with this, Albus & Gellert aren't mine.

“Gellert, do you love me?”
“That is a matter of perception”

“If so, how do you want to love me?”
“In a manner of perfection.”

But in summer light, everything appears so bright, but in summer light, but in summer light! In summer light everything appears so bright.

Is that beautiful? Albus asks himself. Is that beautiful and how do you tell he asks himself and how do you tell?

His lover’s golden curls - Beautiful! Beautiful!
Nighttime kisses, imaginary only, for owls bring hardly dried ink and nothing more - A scent of beauty yet to come, the odour of tomorrow!
A girl’s corpse. Cheeks still coloured raspberry rose. Ephemeral, this is the beauty of yesterday!

Immortal beauty - what a dream! Immortal beauty - what perfection!

Immortal beauty - Gellert’s beauty - the beauty of tomorrow.

“Malice really is no matter of perception.”
“Love is.”

Ask me one last question! Summer always ends with a question mark.

“How do you want to die?”
“In a manner of perfection.”


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