I just had the most messed up morning....
Okay, so mom woke me up at about 7:15 this morning before she left for work to tell me to put away some grocery food, and the stuff she wanted me to do later on today....Wash the dishes, vacuum, and fold the clothes. So I'm like, "Okay, all I have to do is put away the food and go back to sleep..." BUT I COULDN'T. I immediately began to put the dishes in the washer, then swept the kitchen floor and bathroom floor, then folded the clothes. She told me to vacuum HER room (thanks mom), but I ended up vacuuming the whole house. I don't know wtf happened, but I got a lot of stuff clean, then my nose suddenly got all clogged up.
I went back to sleep at about 8:45, and I had my TV turned to Comedy Central...I watched some Jon Stewart, then fell asleep...And I could still hear the TV. I had some dream where I was in the small audience where this comedian was talking about something, and a few people from school were there. And I was apparently naked. o.o I had some weird backpack, and I was trying to get some clothes, and there was like....Two open containers of lasagna that was just spilling over everything...XD!! And I eventually managed to get some clothes on (some kid I knew said EEW), but it was like, pajama clothes...
I woke up again at some point, then fell back to sleep. Another weird dream: I was in some sort of show with one of my mom's friend's daughters, and we were being recorded and before a life audience. We had apparently rehearsed everything, but things went awry, and some FREAK started to ad-lib a bunch of crap that made NO SENSE. After the show, I saw two movies in two small theatres--The one I remember now was the second one. That guy was there--what's his name...Something William Godfried (?), the guy who voiced Iago, and looks creepy. Liz knows his name. He was in the theatre, and we were watching some sort of political movie. Then JON STEWART and some other guys were sitting at a panel. Apparently, Adam Carolla had made the political movie, and everyone believed he would be a better political analysis than Jon Stewart (I think my TV was still on something with Jon Stewart, he was talking). Then I saw some kids from the acting program I was in earlier this summer. I suddenly had some sort of limp leg, and an extendable pole to help me walk around.
After that, I was in a larger theatre, and I swear, I've dreamt this stuff before...Some kid was riding on some sort of projector-like thing riding on a trolley above the theatre seats, and an over voice said, "Some kids ride on them on the front, though they really shouldn't do that."
Then I was driving in a car. XD OH! During ALL of these dreams, I had some sort of EXTREME difficulty trying to breathe, since in real life, I was all stopped up....>_< Okay, so I was trying to drive a car, but I wasn't inside of it, wtf? It was raining in this small suburban community, and I kept on trying to turn corners, since I didn't know how to stop the car. I ended up leaving the car and meeting some random black family. o.o
Then suddenly, I was in these ratty clothes with a broom in my hand. I was still in some play BY the theatre, I don't know how I knew that, but I was, and some crazy famous woman was talking (I think Comedy Central was one some sort of comedy spotlight thing), and she was talking about people and their clothes. She said something like, "Yes, and see all of these rich people...But obviously, you can tell that she," she pointed at me, "Is poor." She said something else about me, and said that I was a whore. Or ho. Or something. I was mad, but things got weird...
THEN I WAS BACK IN THE THEATRE. There was something wrong with the vents--No one could use the air because some sort of...Magical field wouldn't aloud the air to come in or something. I was climbing through some sort of vents, and this thing that looks like
THIS was like, "I can't unblock the chamber!" Or something equally gay like that. Then I managed to climb through the opening, and it was raining outside, but I was free...Then I woke up as soon as that ended, and I couldn't breathe.
That was truly messed up, and if you read all of that, I'm sorry.
ON A LIGHTER NOTE, I got one of my books for summer reading, and one of the books that was sold out they have there for me to pick up. :D Yay.