Mar 26, 2005 15:51
Yesterday had track early morning, then i went to adams house and skated all day.That night was Brittanys party , fun. Then i went to adams house again and slept over, and maria stayed up LATER than me, but because she was only laying in bed , it doesnt count. muahah. Today I was really damn tired when i woke up and still kinda tired , eh. Skated at adams for a while, tricks i learned over the past two days.
-2nd Primo
-Reverse Primo
-Reverse 2nd Primo
-Worked on nollies
-moving ollies
-half shovit
-Primo ollie ( almost )
My skateboard is going to be here soon, damn myself for stopping skating , if i hadnt stopped i would have been pro. Eh whatever, tonight is concert at Wescott, getting picked up in like 40 minutes, im excited.