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I'm happy to say that I've been reading a lot lately. I guess, it's on the account that I'm less inspired to write at the moment that I've turned to reading. But I'm loving it, in any which way. Here's what I've read in two months, thus far:
The Constant Princess
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Count of Monte Cristo
Currently reading:
Les Miserables
The Bible (~)
Will be read:
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
The Tale of Genji [Genji Monogatari] (?)
The first two were read with my fascination of the Tudor monarchs. I think The Constant Princess is a better novel than The Other Boleyn Girl. Probably, my favorite quote from the book was when Katherine of Aragon was talking about her fertility. It goes something like this:
And twelve times a year, for seven years, that is eighty-four times, my courses have come and gone. Each time I bleed I think, there is another chance to make a prince for England wasted. I have learned to grieve for the stain on my linen as if it is a child lost. Eighty-four chances for me to have a son, in the very flush of my youth; eighty-four chances lost. I am learning to miscarry. I am learning the sorrow of miscarriage.
For the single ladies out there (myself included), is this feeling relevant? Although I don't take it to this extreme, there are a few times that I've felt that way.
And in the current book I'm reading, here's the favorite quote, perhaps.
Undoubtedly, they seemed very depraved, very corrupt, very vile, very hateful, even, but those are rare who fall without becoming degraded; there is a point, moreover, at which the unfortunate and the infamous are associated and confounded in a signle word, a fatal word, Les Misérables; whose fault is it? And then, is it not when the fall is lowest that charity ought to be greatest?
Early January, I decided to embark into the realm of the unknown and read the Bible from cover to cover. I've tried during grade school and high school, but I failed. (LOL, my impatience gets the best of me.)
This time I've got a reading plan handy and I strategized by dividing the reading plan into half, meaning instead of reading from Genesis to Revelation I will read Genesis today, then Psalms the next, and so on and so forth. It has worked well, I think. I'm also switching between translations (NASB and MSG right now) to stimulate the reading. Still, it is quite a feat (for me, at least). I know some who make it a point to read a new translation every year (which is, wow). And, I'm honestly behind the reading plan. I've been skipping days, like yesterday and today, for instance. *facepalm*
I plan to buy that copy of The Tale of Genji I saw Tuesday in NBS. The plan is to slip out of church after the 10AM P&W, go to Greenbelt, purchase it and slip back in. XD So, if I need to do altar call, I'll be there. XD
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Don't know if this will be of any use, but I'm posting it here anyway.
In light of the Chile earthquake that happened earlier, a tsunami warning has been issued to a lot of countries that are around the Pacific Ocean, including the Philippines.
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has listed the following locations as part of the warnings that concern the Philippines:
DAVAO 6.8N 125.7E 0527Z 28 FEB
PALANAN 17.1N 122.6E 0559Z 28 FEB
LEGASPI 13.2N 123.8E 0604Z 28 FEB
So, if you live near any of these places, please go to higher ground before the expected arrival time of the tsunami, which is between 5AM to 6AM tomorrow. A tsunami is a series of waves and the time between successive waves can be five minutes to an hour.
Manila is on the western side, and Manila Bay in particular faces the South China Sea. So, it's kind of safe to say (for now) that we're far from danger.