I was playing Dissidia: Final Fantasy last night; I finished Frioniel's chapter last night with my noob skills. Since we have the Japanese version and I have very little experience playing FF, I pretty much guessed my way through the game. (If I remember right, the first and last time I played FF was in Grade 6, and that was Final Fantasy 7. Squall *drool*)
I was surprised to find Ultimecia as one of the bosses in Frioniel's chapter, but she was easy, to my surprise. It was the Emperor who gave me a hard time; Frioniel was just at Level 14 I think when I faced him so I was praying hard that he won't pull off a Limit Break on me. He didn't...I think. I don't know what his Limit Break is.
Nilaro ko lang si Frioniel dahil kay Mido ni
datenshiaoi HAHAHAHAHHAHA! But in fairness naman, I like Frioniel cause he works well with long range and melee attacks. He's not my bishie cup of tea though. But I admit I do close my eyes and think of Seiran when he talks. WAHAHAHAHAH!!!
But SQUALL. OH SQUALL. *drool* The smirk, the frown, the "I'm never happy" attitude. OHHHHH~~~ I wasn't able to play him for long; actually I sort of lost interest cause he's defeating all the monsters easily being at Level 30-something.
I think I'm going to be playing this more in my brothers' PSPs.
Just for fangirling purposes. XD