Which is why when I saw this blouse at the World Trade Center last Saturday, I haggled for Php450 (from Php520, I think), and I got it! =D =D =D *dance dance dance*
I am NOT ashamed. *snickersnort*
So here I am, multitasking - was supposed to look at the camera but someone was trying to tell me something so I looked his way instead. LOLZ.
I tried taking a picture of the blouse at home this morning but my hate for fluourescent lights abounds. =___= Le sigh. Super grainy!
I'm doing the newsletter today. I think that's the only major thing pending on my desk right now, but I'm so boooooooreeeeeed. =___= I don't mind doing the HTML and all, but writing the articles?! Yeesh. @_@
And yes, 11 days till Passion Cafe! Ahahahahahahay, my original 5-song solo lineup has been trimmed to 2 na lang, the rest I only have to do backup. Yeeeeeeeeees!!!!! *dance dance dance*