I've been meaning to implement this idea for a while. The thing is: if you need to drop me a line, quickly, discreetly, and privately, and maybe even anonymously (though I'd hope you trusted me enough to sign your name), you could do it here. All comments to this post are screened (I'm the only one who'll see them), and it's dated so it'll stay on the top of everything. I get email notifications of every comment, and LiveJournal is one of the sites that I check every day (multiple times, most days), so I'll see your message quickly.
Use it for quick notes or long letters, I don't mind. I just want to make it easier for you to contact me without needing to log in (this post is public) to anything -- so long as you know my LJ handle, you have a line to me.
If you're looking for the traditional "comment here and I'll add you" post, it's
at this address, though I don't mind if you ask here.
Initial posting: 2:28 AM Mon July 23rd, 2007
reposted, to the future!!: 2023-06-10 -- this post was originally dated to May 25, 2021. that's passed! it's past! amazing. I'm pretty sure this thing still works as intended.