Somebody on campus noticed all the computer labs with dual monitors and decided that was a pointless way to waste energy. (From an editorial in the campus paper:)
ITaP should consider partnering up with Boiler Green Initiative more often. There are many issues besides printing in computer labs on campus that could be fixed with prudence. For example, many labs are full of computers with two monitors to every "brain" part of the computer.
If that sentence made you wince, high five. "Brain" part indeed. But please read on.
Please, will someone tell us why a student needs TWO monitors for one computers' work? Doesn't this use up an excess amount of energy? Yes, the monitors don’t require terribly large amounts of power. But, a penny saved is a penny earned, as they say. Those extra monitors could be sold to give money back to the University. Or they could be used for other computers, so more students could have access to them. And, we'd be saving on energy by not having two computer screens humming along when just one would suffice.
Link to article, if you're interested.)
One: grammar/punctuation.
Two: Go talk to a compsci or an engineer, or even a designer. Please. That second monitor is the best thing ever when you're programming (or whatever); you can have your work up on one monitor and use the other for looking at specs or documentation or design or emails or chat at the same time. It's amazing. I can do homework with a show or movie on.
I can imagine some backlash from the students who dearly love the productivity that two monitors in the lab affords them. Already spotted one CS student who's going to write them a letter. Just... aw. You can tell the level of acquaintance with technology by "'brain' part" (instead of "workstation" or, hey, even "tower" would be okay here, I guess I should be glad it isn't "modem") but I'm really sad that the editorial went all the way to the front without someone going hey wait a minute.