is the website for the people running it. is the list of fishbot names.
HarpoonedCoho (12:20:47 AM): Joe the Plumber is horny.
me (12:21:10 AM): Is he?
HarpoonedCoho (12:21:17 AM): lol whaat
me (12:21:36 AM): omg fishbot
me (12:22:04 AM): HarpoonedCoho is a fishbot that sends us random shit to start random conversations.
HarpoonedCoho (12:23:18 AM): is that what my sn show up as to you? still not entirely sure how this all works, i'm kinda a newb :P
HarpoonedCoho (12:23:27 AM): *shows
me (12:23:35 AM): Yep.
me (12:23:43 AM): I only heard about it through, like, Reddit or something
HarpoonedCoho (12:23:50 AM): so i'm a fish then. awesome.
me (12:23:56 AM): It messaged me with "Joe the Plumber is horny."
HarpoonedCoho (12:24:59 AM): haha wow o.0 see all i keep getting are catholic sayings/ latin mottos