x dressing

Apr 23, 2013 11:10

I've started wearing different bras depending on my mood and to suit my clothing since I found that the American Apparel triangle bras flatten me out and that I felt really comfortable and less 'on show' like that. I've also started buying men's underwear in protest against the overly fussy, expensive and uncomfortable women's underwear options I've come across recently (it sometimes feels like things are going backwards in that regards... I really miss Bonds 5 pack of black boyshorts and 3 pack of black knee high socks).

The other day I wore a shirt buttoned all the way up and D commented that I looked a bit like Psy - which I didn't really take as a complement - but it's got me thinking about cross dressing in my daily life a bit more.

Last night I started looking in to sports and compression bras.

Say what?

I don't know how far it'll go, but all advice/comments welcome.

Cripes those are some stripes!
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