( .023 ) Tolerance.

Sep 08, 2010 08:53

Regarding this.

Firstly, what the fuck. Where is religion tolerance?

Secondly, if you don't care about this, I don't care. Don't want, don't like, don't read. It's as simple as that.

I know that there is Freedom of Speech, but this is just off-limits. And to know that it is a Pastor who came up with the idea... it's sad (the thought of "has the world come to an end already?" popped up in my mind). A supposed-to-be-church-leader shouldn't be that small-minded of a human.

Terrible, awful, disgusting. Just how immature people can be. And on 9/11 too? To commemorate the tragedy? Are you kidding me? That is just way too disrespectful to memorialize the tragedy. In my opinion, if they really want to commemorate, they can do lots of better things, such as helping the victims' families in any way, etc. Burning Koran would just offend the Moslems and increase threat possibilities. The benefits are less than the disadvantages.

And fellow Moslems (I'm looking at you, some Indonesians), please don't generalize the whole Christians and Americans as ignorant people just because of this. True Christians are ashamed of this, and so are sane Americans. Most people (of whatever ethnicity and/or religion) think this is just beyond ridiculous anyway. If you judge them like that, I think you're as stupid as that Terry Jones. True Moslems won't do that too.

We all want to live at peace, don't we? Why the hate if we can love? Shame that some are just intolerant.

I believe there was this "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you." Even that, I think that it is not correct to say that to Moslems, because no religion teaches to harm others and Moslems in no way are enemies to Christians or other religions. We all are taught to spread love, not hate. Those who are pitting us with hatred are provocateurs, don't listen to them.

To those who are in opposition to the Koran burning, I thank you all. I'd also appreciate it if you spread the word.

To those who think that I am a hypocrite (and so are the others who are against this), this is sincere. I am so critical of the burning. If I was careless, I'd have not written this.

To those who think I should get over this already, no, thank you. I'll keep saying NO until it is heard. And hopefully this will be heard.

To those who think "religions are evil!!!" well, shame.

And I think it's better to burn fat than Koran copies. Much better. Period.


P.S. By the way, yesterday was Dad's birthday and we had a very delicious tiramisu cake (again). Also, I was slightly disappointed of Spain's defeat to Argentina (talking about football here) but yes, Argentina deserved to win because I think they played solidly and they were more promising. Congratulations Argentina! And please, stop being butthurt over this, learn sportsmanship, it's a fucking FRIENDLY match. Let's just all link arms and frolick around.

why don't we burn fat instead, ( post ) srz bzns, ( warning ) tl;dr, ( post ) rant

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